Obi-Wan, in clothes other than his Jedi robes, runs down a corridor hewn from deep red rock. A small child is cradled in his arms. Behind him, an explosion goes off and he stumbles as the ceiling starts to cave in. Far at the other end of the corridor, he can see beings, dressed as he is, running toward him. Between them, two other beings are sprawled on the floor, moving feebly as if trying to get up. Suddenly, Qui-Gon Jinn steps from a doorway near the downed beings. "Master!" Obi-Wan shouts. "Catch!" He twists and throws the child; she flies the impossible distace to Qui-Gon. He catches her and steps out of the hallway as the collapsing ceiling catches up to Obi-Wan.

The screen goes black.


flashes on the screne in white, and fades.

Qui-Gon fights a man not in Jedi tunic, each with a lightsaber. "You banished my Master!" the other man accuses, and strikes.

"I was merely a catalyst," Qui-Gon says as he parries. "Where is she?"

His opponent smiles evilly. "Wouldn't you like to know?" he laughs, and lunges.

Qui-Gon dodges, then again as another lightsaber strikes at him. The Jedi Master turns to his new attacker, still off-screne, and his eyes widen in surprise and recognition.

The screne goes black.

It isn't over

flashes in white, and fades.

Obi-Wan kneels on grass, a woman standing before him, not in Jedi robes. She thumbs a lightsaber to life; he throws himself backwards, rolling to his feet. As he does, metal snaps out from either side of his fist, creating a staff. He dodges each time she strikes, using the staff to keep the woman from getting closer. Suddenly, he steps closer; even as the lightsaber takes off one end of the staff, the other trips her. She goes down and drops the lightsaber. He immediately calls it to hand; she gets up and pulls another lightsaber from her belt.

The screen goes black.

When you think it is.

Flashes in white.

(vo)Obi-Wan: "I don't want to destroy the Jedi!"

(vo)Woman's voice: "Of course you don't want to." The tone is an odd mixture of sympathy and mockery. "But you will anyway."


Part three of the Visions of the Past, Memories of the Future trilogy

Coming in 2006

Go on to Haunted

Fic Stories