The original community, on livejournal, is found here.
I have officially signed up for this on livejournal, but I haven't been accepted yet. I'm writing anyway, so even if I never do get accepted, at least I'll have done the challenge.
My first application is for Advent Children: Tifa Lockhart/Cloud Strife. This table has the links to all of those fics.
Okay, so I lied. My next claim will be Prince of Tennis: Fudomine Chuugaku (something along the lines of Fudomine Jr. High, I think). Should be fun, and will involve the whole team and anyone else from the school I can make up.
The following may or may not ever happen; I can't come up with much of a plot for the sequel, and I don't know if I'll ever rewrite Secrets. I am sorry, though.
My second - once the first is finished - will be Power Rangers: in Space: Sylvie Larson. This will be a bunch of fics in and around the sequel to "I Wonder What it's Like to be a Superhero". Every fic on this page will be with or about Sylvie.
My third, which I may or may not do, will be Power Rangers ZEO: General Series. This will be the fics involved in my rewrite of Secrets.
The fourth table is Miscellaneous. It is for all of those fics that don't fit in the above categories. This includes anything for Advent Children not revolving around Tifa and Cloud, any for the Academy sequel that does not have Sylvie in it, and any other Ranger fics that doesn't take place during the ZEO era. It also includes any other random fics: some with Maggie outside of Angel Grove, and some just... seriously random. Whatever my brain comes up with.
I hope you enjoy my fics!
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