National Novel Writer's Month is an opportunity to write that novel you've always wanted to. It's only 50,000 words! Shouldn't be too hard.... Yeah, right! But I'm going to try for it. Seems to happen every year, so if not this year, then next year, right?
Maggie's website, where you can watch my daughter grow and grow and grow....
The Crackerbox Palace is the place to go for GREAT Hanson fiction.
Lots of Stuff - This young lady is more eclectic than I am, and she's GOOD. Go visit her page.
James Lance Bass FanFiction - Patricia has a bunch of very fun series. They're really good. - Interested in a LOT of fanfiction? Here you go! It's got just about anything your heart desires - unless it deals with real people (as in, bands). I love this place!
Ranger Academy is a page from my friend Sparticus. He's the one that started me on "I Wonder What it's Like...." I haven't been in contact with him lately (okay, for about two years), but these are his fics.
Jedi Hi'Li's Star Wars Fanfic is where I found the VERY best AU I have ever read. I'm serious. The author's name is Red Rose Knight, the story (her only one posted there) is called An Uncertain Path. There are others, of course, but that's the best one, I think.
Starhawk's Aerie is an old friend of mine. Her focus is on the Power Rangers, mostly the Space team, but there is a bit there with Wild Force (from 2002-2003 season), and Ninja Storm (2003-2004 season). But it's a well written story, if not exactly cannon. Most of her stuff focuses on romances. Very fun.
A Journey Through a Galaxy Far, Far Away: A site for Star Wars fan fiction. Problem Child is archived there, and I'll send the rest of the trilogy there, soon.
Cheval Theatre is a great show. It was absolutely magical! They're from Canada, and it's something like a horse circus. I worked there (the guy who goes under his horse at a dead gallop winked at me!), and the horses are absolutely gorgeous!
Dorough Lupus Foundation is the Lupus Foundation started by Howie Dorough after his sister died from Lupus. (Thanks to Hannah for the link and the name.)
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