The phone rang. Marissa quickly finished the line of data entry she was on and grabbed it. "This is Marissa."
"Hi. This is Joey."
She smiled and relaxed, leaning back in her chair. "Hey, Joey. You sound... asleep." She checked the clock; it was 10:30.
"Yes. Sorry. We don't get to sleep in much, so we take full advantage of it when we do." He paused, and she could almost hear him yawn. "Where are you?"
She laughed. "Can you tell me where you are? General stuff, nothing specific, of course. I could tell you I was in St. John's, but I don't think it would mean anything."
"Not to me, but it would to the Concierge. I don't have a limit on my lunch hour, so I thought I'd come to where you are."
"True... All right, I'm very close to the St. John's bridge."
"Cool. Uh... Do you mind if everyone else tags along?"
"Do you?" she asked, then had to stifle a giggle at the stunned silence on the other end. "I don't care either way," she said after a minute. "You decide."
"Uh... Okay. Great. I'll call you back with when and where."
"Until then." She hung up, shaking her head with a smile. Even hanging out with Joey Fatone, way too young and red hair and all, was going to be a huge improvement on her day. She started on the data entry again with a sigh.
"Where do you want to go for lunch?" Teresa asked, the only other woman in the office. Her desk sat not too far away, blocked from Marissa's sight by the three file cabinets that housed completed paper work.
Marissa chuckled. "I have a date, believe it or not." She'd finished half a line before Teresa was by her desk.
"A date? With who?"
"At least with Joe Fatone, possibly with his four friends as well." Marissa grinned at her friend and co-worker. "No one you know. I met him - all of them - at the club last night."
"I knew I should have gone," Teresa muttered.
Marissa patted her arm. "Oh, I guess you're about Lance's age - I think - but still... he's too cutesy for your taste."
Teresa scowled briefly. "Do I get to meet this Joe Fatone?"
Marissa smiled. "I doubt it. I'll probably meet him somewhere."
"He's not from Portland. He's visiting from Orlando." Her phone rang, and she grabbed it. "This is Marissa."
"Hi. This is Joe. The Concierge has no information about St. Johns. Got any ideas?"
"Sure," she said, smiling at Teresa. "Do you want Italian or deli style stuff on homemade bread?"
"Mama Gianetta's, then. It's a little more fancy, but the food is good. I can find the phone number for you to get directions, if you want."
"Nah, I'll let the Concierge deal with that." She was a little astonished at how casual he was with it, then had to remind herself that he'd dealt with this for a while, now. "What time?"
"Whenever you want," she said.
"12:30? We miss the rush, then." He paused. "Or is school out for lunch then?"
"No students," she told him. "No school is close enough. That's a perfect time. I'll see you then."
"Great. Bye."
Joey hung up and looked inquisitively at Chris, who lounged casually in the chair at the end of the bed, watching him. "What?" Joey asked as he stood and walked to his suitcase.
"You didn't ask her."
"I did before." He searched around for a suitable outfit.
"What did she say?" Chris was being exaggeratedly patient, and Joey was glad he was searching to hide his smile.
"That it was up to me." There was silence at his words, and he looked up to see Chris grinning.
"That lady has class," he said with admiration. "What did you decide?" The fake patience was gone from his voice, replaced with interest.
"Haven't yet. But I'm probably going alone." He tossed a shirt at Chris, who caught it and tossed it back. "Anything to get away from you guys for a little while."
Chris stood. "Yeah, right. Ever the flirt...." He shook his head, and started out of the room. "I figured as much, anyway." He left the room via the connecting doors, going into Lance's. Joey shut the door behind him, hearing a faint, "Be prepared to pay up," from his friend, and answering disappointed groans from the others. He laughed and went to get in the shower.
He was early, hovering hesitantly in the doorway, one of their body guards standing a discrete distance away. "Can I help you?" the hostess asked, a touch of disapproval in her voice.
It relaxed him; he was used to it, and it usually meant he was not recognized. So far, so good, he thought. "Yes, please. Two, non-smoking. But my companion..."
"Accidentally came through the bar into the back." Marissa made a face, then smiled at him. "Hi, Joe."
"Hi." He turned to the hostess, who was waiting, and offered his arm to Marissa. She took it with a grin.
"So, how was it?" Teresa asked the minute she walked back in the door.
Marissa laughed. "Great. He's nice. A bit wild - he died his hair bright red and apparently refuses to shave - but nice." She sat down and typed in the password for her screen saver.
Teresa looked confused, leaning against the edge of Marissa's desk. "He doesn't sound like your type, but if you like him, go for it."
Marissa laughed. "He's too young."
"How much too young?" There was a touch of frustration and exasperation in her voice.
"Um.... six to seven years. I think."
"Why did you go on a date with him, then?"
Marissa shrugged. "You know how my social life is. For Pete's sake, I go out at night to people watch! I went because he asked."
"But you're not interested in him," Teresa protested. "Why go?"
Marissa grinned up at her. "He has cute friends?" she asked, suddenly very glad none of them could hear this. It sounded rather... predatory.
"But are they old enough for you?" Teresa pressed.
"One is," she said, and when Teresa looked interested, she laughed. "I'm kidding. Joe's just nice. I'll keep him as a friend, if he'll let me. He travels a lot."
Teresa shook her head. "I still don't understand why you went out with him if you don't like him or his friends."
Marissa sighed. "I never said I didn't like him or his friends... some of them are darling." She grinned, wondering if Justin and Lance would squirm under that description, never mind JC. "Besides, I wanted to get to know them, even if nothing comes of it. I like friends."
Teresa shrugged and started over to her desk. "I guess it's all right if you just want to be friends," she said, "but I thought you were focused on finding a husband."
Marissa laughed. "Not that focused. Besides, if I want to marry my best friend, I have to be friends with him first, right? Therefore, start as friends. And if it stays friends, that's fine, too." She shook her head and turned back to work. What a weird woman, she thought. Nice, but just odd.
"How'd it go?" The voice, familiar as it was, startled Joey and he jumped.
"What were you, watching for me?" he demanded. Justin grinned.
"So what if I was? How'd it go?" he repeated.
"Oh, great," he said casually. "She said to say hi to you guys."
"Nice of her," Justin said with a nod. "And?"
Joey grinned. "Nice. She's nice. We didn't agree on anything."
"Get him in here!" JC's voice came from behind the door. Justin grabbed Joey's arm and pulled him into the room, closing the door firmly behind him.
"Marissa says hi," Joey reported as he sat down on the unmade bed, smirking at the rest of the group, who was watching him with intense curiosity. "And Chris, you didn't really chase her off. Or insult her."
"Good," he stated.
"So?" Lance prompted.
"Good food, good conversation, we agree on almost nothing."
"So what's new?" JC muttered. Joey grabbed a pillow and threw it at him, grinning.
"Absolutely nothing. Glad I met her, though. And I got her email address."
"Good. Share her messages," Lance said.
Joey laughed. "If she says its okay."
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