"I Have the Answers, the Secret is Mine"
Leatherwolf, Thunder

The radio woke her that morning with a report of the Power Ranger's latest battle with a monster, commenting on how once again they had all been saved from certain doom by the costumed heros. Maggie groaned and got up, dressed, and headed for school without thinking about much more than getting her stuff together and getting out the door.

The walk was interesting, though. She'd never actually seen a battle sight until now. There were huge holes in the street and in the sides of buildings. Construction crews, looking resigned, were already working on patching the holes in the street. "...never come down here," Maggie overheard one guy saying, and slowed down to catch the rest of the conversation.

"Yeah, but did you see it last night? The thing almost got away from them," another guy said. "It was getting close to my neighborhood."

Maggie shook her head. "I'm busy," she mumbled, and sped up a little to get to school on time.

She was standing against her locker, wishing the Goddess, Lady of Light, hadn't had quite so much to tell her. She was going to be sorting it all out for the rest of the week, at least, if not longer. At least she'd thought to take paper and pen with her this time. She'd nearly fallen asleep again when someone touched her shoulder, jolting her awake. She turned and grinned at Rocky. "Morning."

"You look like you didn't get much sleep."

She shook her head. "No. I like to watch the moon rise, and it was late." Not to mention that I had a lot on my mind, and so did She. I really hate training sessions. She wrenched her mind back to the present. "How was your afternoon?"

"Mostly uneventful. I just did homework." He made a face.

She chuckled. "Me, too."

"Joining us for lunch?"

"Definitely." She nearly winced at the enthusiasm in her own voice. She was going to have to stop staring at Adam whenever she saw him, or he'd get suspicious. Of course, if someone else did, it would be just as bad. With that group, he'd still find out.

"Good." He started across the hall to his locker.

"Rocky, what was all that noise last night?" she asked suddenly, walking across the hall after him.

"That was one of Zedd's monsters and the Power Rangers." He smiled. "Did it keep you up?"

"No. I was in the park. And I noticed rubble in the streets on the way to school this morning." She smiled. "See you at lunch."

Over the next few days, she determined that they each had watches like Tommy and Adam's, but in different colors. Mostly because they each went off when she was near them. When she mentioned it, they went still except Tommy.

"They were gifts from an old friend," he said calmly.

"Must be nice to stay in one place long enough to have old friends." Old? How old? Ancient? Awfully high tech for the vintage of the power she still felt occasionally. "They're nice." She struggled to keep the envy out of her voice.

"Thanks." Aisha relaxed, then Margery realized how much tension had been in the group. Tension? over such a simple question? Well, they have their secrets, and I have mine. I'll leave them to theirs.

But then it began to get hard to leave them their secret; she was too curious for her own good, and too many weird things were going on. She'd notice, in study hall, that they'd gather their books and leave, then that power would brush her shields. She wished that she could see what they were doing to generate that kind of power. Once, wandering around the school, it was close enough to knock her down. She got up, walked around the corner, and there was Adam's backpack. No Adam to be seen. She sat next to it and waited.

Before long, that same power knocked her over - and Adam, Rocky and Aisha walked around the corner.

"I told you that you left it here," Aisha said, glancing at Adam as Margery pushed herself back up from the ground. That power had been really strong again, and she hadn't been prepared. She was going to have to do something about this.

"I figured I'd wait a while to see if you came back. This is a beautiful place." She gestured to the well manicured lawn.

"We like to study here instead of the library, sometimes," Adam said, picking up his backpack and slipping it onto his shoulder. Margery stood and turned to find Rocky leaning against the wall, watching her. He grinned.

"You look startled."

"There are too many weird things going on," she said, then heard what she'd said and blushed. Oh, how am I going to explain that?

A use of power, this one as ancient, but evil, shoved her into the wall, and she paused a minute to catch her breath.

"You haven't seen weird yet," a sinister voice said. Margery turned and stared at the... thing... looking back at her.

"What is that?" she asked, and looked at Adam.

He stood beautifully balanced, hands up in a defense position, a snarl on his handsome face. She turned to see Rocky in the same defensive posture, eyes intensely focused on the monster in front of them. Aisha touched her arm, distracting her. "Maggie, get out of here. Both Adam and Rocky are exceptional fighters, it'll be okay."

Margery looked at her, then turned to run, catching the barest hint of a yellow aura as Aisha dropped into a fighting stance as well. The yellow aura didn't sink in until she'd made it to Ernie's and had stopped just inside the door. "It'll be okay?" she asked out loud, sinking down at the nearest table. "I don't even know if that thing were human!" The power brushed her shields, just nudging her slightly - it was a good distance off. "Idealistic...." she muttered, thinking of Aisha's aura, and shook her head. "Weird doesn't happen continuously like this, unless you live in Sunnydale, which I don't. Therefore, something is up." Obviously. But what? She folded her arms on the table, and put her head down. This move has definitely been the most intriguing one yet.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kat's accented voice broke into the calm she'd finally found, and she looked up. Kat and Tommy stood next to her, concerned looks on their faces.

"Fine. Just got a bit of a scare earlier."

"Aisha told me," Kat said.

"What?" Tommy asked as he and Kat sat down.

"Oh, I found Adam's backpack, and about the time he got back to it, so did this... thing. Aisha suggested I get out of there, so I did." While she spoke, she Looked at Tommy, suddenly aware that she could. It was as if that talent had suddenly just... turned on, and she made a note in her mind to thank the Lady for those training sessions she hated so much. The thought almost took her mind off of Tommy, until she caught Sight of him again. His aura was white. Then she met his eyes and her forehead wrinkled in confusion. His aura broadcast innocense. But his eyes spoke of experience and a maturation from that experience, not all of it good.

"What's wrong?" Kat asked.

"Just... is Aisha okay? And Adam and Rocky?" She'd almost said Adam first; she wasn't ready to give herself away just yet.

"Fine," Kat smiled.

"Good." Margery began to gather her books. "I didn't know they knew the martial arts. I think I've been oblivious." She looked closely at Tommy. "Yes. You, too, right?" Tommy nodded. "And you a little?" she asked Kat, who nodded slightly and turned to Tommy.

"I've learned from Tommy and the others."

"Billy, too?" She could not hide her surprise. I have to get a look at him.

"Yes," Kat smiled, obviously more comfortable.

"He's improved a lot," Tommy added.

"Who has?" Billy asked, stopping by the table. Maggie nodded. The signs were there for him, too, she just hadn't seen them.

"You have," Tommy said, "in martial arts."

"Oh." He colored slightly. "Thank you."

Margery took the opportunity and Looked at him, more to keep in practice than for anything else. His aura glowed a brilliant blue - although that could be attributed to Aisha's joining the party. His eyes certainly lit up. "Hi."

"You're all right? What was that?" Margery asked.

"That was one of Lord Zedd's monsters. They're rather... numerous," Aisha smiled. Margery Looked at her as well. Still with a yellow aura, still idealistic. About what?

Now, wait. She Looked at Kat, not really surprised that her aura was pink. "Zedd? Oh, the bad guy. I'm sorry. I told you I was oblivious."

Aisha laughed. "No reason to be concerned. The Power Rangers will keep you safe."

Margery smiled, then her smile faded. I'm not worried about them, she thought. I want to know what you guys do with your power. Maybe, if I get a Look at Adam and Rocky, I'll have the whole picture.

As if on cue, Rocky came in looking vexed. Of course, his aura Showed red. "What is it?" Tommy asked.

"My... backpack is gone. I don't... I can't remember where I put it." He looked around in distraction.

"This one?" Kat held up a red back pack, and he relaxed.

"Yes, thanks." He took it from her and checked it, to make sure everything was there. Checking the front pockets, he sagged in relief. "It's all here."

Then why is your aura still red? They all headed back to the school, and Margery continued to wonder. At her first chance, she was going to have a Look at Adam, too.

She didn't get the chance until after school; he stood at his locker, smiling at something either Aisha or Rocky had said. Both of them were smiling as well, the perfect picture of good friends. To her surprise, Adam's aura was black, and Rocky's was still red; Aisha's, of course, was yellow. What? Why? They looked happy; Adam couldn't be that hateful. Could he? She shook her head, closed her locker, and started down the hall, waving good bye to the trio waiting for the others. She was going to have to think about this. No way could those auras all be right.

Sitting in the park, she stared across the open space, her chemistry book open and forgotten in front of her. She mulled over what she'd Seen, and Felt, since she'd moved to Angel Grove. The power brushed her shields, but distantly, and she barely noticed it anymore. Then the other, as ancient but vile, feeling like rancid oil on her shields, was strong enough to knock her over. She shivered and pulled her shawl closer around her. Zedd? Magic?

The monster walked into the center of the field below her, and she stared in disbelief. Then that familiar, ancient power brushed her shields and knocked her onto her back. When she sat up again, the Power Rangers stood poised in front of the monster. She stared at them for a minute; she hadn't seen them yet, and was surprised at the vibrance of the colors they wore. Something tickled the back of her mind, something she should be paying attention to, but it wouldn't formulate so she could examine it. There was something familiar about the way the black ranger stood, and the red ranger for that matter, but she didn't stay around to find out any more. She'd seen the damage caused by these fights, and she didn't want to be caught in the middle. She hastily gathered her books and left.

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