Entering the small room that stood unobtrusively among the many training sallés, Bant could barely contain her excitement. She had waited many years for this day to arrive, and now that it had finally occurred she found herself practically vibrating with anticipation. The frenetic energy within the small room told her that the other Padawans also shared in her eagerness.
"Does everyone remember what they have to do?" she asked, coming to stand in the center of the circle of Padawans. As each of the eleven Jedi nodded, Bant smiled. "Good, then we are ready to begin."
Turning to address the member of their group closest to her Knighthood, Bant laid a hand on the young woman's shoulder. "Are you sure you are up to this Jahzea?" Receiving a grin in response, the Mon Calamarian knew that her friend was more than ready to take on the task of distracting one of the most troublesome and difficult Masters of the Order. "Remember, you need to keep him busy for most of the day," Bant instructed, before addressing the entire group again.
"Six of the Council Members are off planet, so that makes our job a little bit easier," she explained, "but we still need to be very careful not to alert the remaining Masters. We also need to be certain that our own Masters don't expect anything either."
"Each of you know what you need to do, but please remember to keep Dei and I informed of your progress," the Padawan continued. "We will need to know if you are going to deviate from your assigned location, so we can keep Obi-Wan from suspecting anything. And remember to contact N'erak if you run into difficulties."
"Are we sure that Obi-Wan is going to be available for this today?" N'erak asked as he leaned casually against the doorway, making certain that no one outside the room would hear their plotting.
"Dei and I will make certain that he is," Bant said, "and we will also be sure to keep him away from the Healers!" she added, causing each member of the group to laugh.
"I guess it would kind of defeat the purpose of the "Congratulations on returning from a mission without going to the Healers" party if Obi-Wan ended up spending the day in the Healers ward," N'erak quipped, grinning widely.
"Yes, yes it would," Bant agreed, as she stepped from the center of the loose circle and made her way toward the door. Turning just as she reached out to trigger the door opener, she studied each of her fellow conspirators. Apparently satisfied at their expressions, she grinned. "Now if everyone is ready, let's get this party started!"
"That went well," mumbled Dei as Bant closed the doors behind them. "I'm surprised anyone showed at all."
Bant smirked, fixing her large eyes on the younger learner. "You'd be surprised at the size of his fan club these days. You would think he's attractive or something."
Dei strangled a laugh as they headed for Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's living quarters. "My bet is that he's sleeping away his morning. All that not-getting-hurt must take a lot out of him. What should we tell Master Jinn anyway?"
"I overheard that Master Jinn gave Obi-Wan the day off to rest and catch up with the rest of us, so I'm just going to say that we're taking him out for a day to relax. He deserves to act his age for once, don't you think?" Bant asked, glancing at Dei, who shrugged.
"Jahzea sure has her work cut out for her," added Dei. "I'd rather face a Sith than Master Jinn, much less distract him for the day. I would fear for my life. Anyhow, if something goes wrong, we'll know." She articulated her statement by turning on her comm. link, setting it to a low volume, then shoving it back into one of her many utility-belt compartments.
Bant gave a quick nod, then motioned Dei to her side as she hit Obi-Wan's door chime. The towering form of Qui-Gon Jinn stood within. His commonly emotionless face broke into a warm smile when he saw the two Padawans. "Bant, Obi-Wan will be delighted to see you. And Padawan Dei, if I remember correctly?"
Dei simply gave a wide-eyed smile and quick nod as she edged further behind Bant's back.
Qui-Gon's amusement grew as he watched the two glance around the quarters looking for their friend. "I'm afraid Obi-Wan's still sleeping. I thought I'd let him sleep late after this last assignment. But I can wake him if you wouldn't mind the wait." Already knowing their response, Qui-Gon headed for his apprentice's room, pausing just before he triggered the door opener. "Unless, you would like to wake him...?"
Bant's polite smile turned to a full-fledged grin as she glanced back at Dei. The two hurried to the door, and seeing their target prey sprawled on the sleepcouch within, they moved in for attack. Bant quickly moved behind a slowly waking Obi-Wan to pry open his eyelids, while Dei flung open the blinds, releasing sunlight into the darkened room.
Obi-Wan waved his arms, unsuccessfully trying to release himself from the Calamarian. Giving up on the physical fight, he laid back and growled. Satisfied that her victim was had had enough, she relaxed, giving Obi-Wan a stern look. Dei stepped behind her to peer at Obi-Wan disapprovingly.
"I thought you stopped snarling at people back in the crèche; that was completely uncalled for, especially with a lady in the room. Anyhow, Master Jinn's releasing you to us for the day. We're going out…. And we're seeing a holovid, so get dressed." With that, Dei marched out of the room, with Bant following behind, giving Obi-Wan an apologetic look.
Five minutes later Obi-Wan was dressed and ready, and ten after that, they were breathing the not-so-fresh air of the outdoors as Bant led the way to the theater. Meanwhile, Dei had Obi- Wan tell her everything about his last mission. Sadly, since he not been hurt, his story was a boring one. Thankfully enough, Dei and Bant were rescued with the sighting of the theater.
Studying the front of the new building, Obi-Wan frowned. "I don't remember seeing this here before."
"It's new- yesterday was it's grand opening. They only have one holo showing…some action adventure thing. I don't see what everyone's so excited about. They say it's part of a trilogy." Bant offered, as they breezed through the doors. Obi-Wan paused to read the posters.
"I don't get it. It's the first of a trilogy, but it's the fourth part?"
Dei paused next to him to read the credits. "Star Battle IV…Huh...I wonder when the next ones will be coming out."
Obi-Wan glanced back at the Kiffar, then at the poster again. "But how can it be the first of a three-part holo, when it itself is already part four?"
Dei gave him an odd look. " There's stuff that happened before this movie, but we don't know what yet. Ooo, look. Kiff Barron is in this." Dei smiled for a moment, and then started to walk toward their seats. Looking back at Bant, she had to laugh as a still baffled Obi-Wan was led away from the posters by the Calamarian.
The three students sat down just as the lights were dimmed and the holovid started. Dei giggling, and Obi-Wan still confused; the holo began.
Two standard hours later, the three Padawans stumbled blindly back into the sunlight. Dei was still laughing, and Obi-Wan was still confused. Bant just looked disappointed. "That was nothing… I've seen worse. Besides, that main character boy was way too whiney. And why would those guys get to be honored for blowing up that weapon thing. We've done worse…."
Dei laughed and squinted into the sunlight. "Forget the whiner, that old man looked like he could've been quite the looker a few decades back." Bant nodded at this.
Obi-Wan just screwed up his face and huffed.
****The first part of this post is written by CK and the second part (post ****) was written by the gifted dparis ****
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