Writer's Note: This came about as an answer to a challenge on The Force.net. The requirements were as follows: a short story in which the characters do not communicate with each other through words. I don't think I posted it in time, but so it goes. Here it is for your enjoyment.
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine stewed during the long trip to Naboo. He did it silently, both in his cabin and in his head. He had to be careful of any stray thoughts, and even of his use of the Force. Having the entire Jedi council on the Chancellor ship with him was cause for caution even from him.
The death of his apprentice had caught him by surprise, and he'd barely recovered in time to receive the news of the Trade Federation's defeat. He would, when his visit to his home planet had been completed, sit down and begin to plan again. But as he considered, he realized that the occupation of Naboo by the Trade Federation wasn't all that important. It had been the attack itself that had allowed him to manipulate the girl-queen into knocking Valorum from the position he himself currently held. The sympathy vote, as he had said to Amidala, had been what it took to get him elected. And once here, he would not let go. So, all in all, he was not so far off schedule. And the news was not all bad, he thought with a nasty smile. One of the meddling Jedi was dead, and that may prove good.
Finding a new apprentice would take time. Finding one that was as adept as Maul was may prove to be impossible, but he had the time to look, weigh, investigate, and, if necessary, corrupt one. Right now, the length of time he could take was variable. He still had time to maneuver.
He had calmed down when the shuttle from the ship touched down in Theed, and he waited serenely by the ramp to disembark. He knew which Jedi had been sent to Naboo the second time - since that fool Valorum hadn't even told him he'd sent a team the first time - and as the ramp lowered, he searched for the miserable Jedi Master who had struck down his apprentice. His eyes moved quickly, dismissing Queen Amidala, the Jedi apprentice, the tag-along he'd seen at the Queen's arrival on Coruscant, Panaka, Nute Gunray...
With a shock, his gaze jerked back to Obi-Wan Kenobi and noticed the tightness of grief in his usually placid, cow-like expression. This... This... Padawan? He had defeated Maul? He had cut off the life of one of the most promising Sith Masters in years?
Only long practice kept the smile on his face, kept him from revealing himself and striking the upstart Jedi with a force blow that would shatter his ribs, or a lightning strike that would fry his heart in his chest. He didn't know if he could actually do that, but he'd be willing to try it. Instead, he gathered the fury into a small ball and tucked it away, to save for later, when he could use it.
The ship lurched slightly as the ramp finished it's descent, and Palpatine started down it, the Chancellor guards in dark blue right behind him. The Force showed him a glimpse of the boy, older, a braid behind his ear, a look of fury on his face, following behind Kenobi, and suddenly his smile was not so hard to maintain. He felt the tension leave his body. Apprentice for Padawan, he silently promised Kenobi as the Jedi bowed to him. You stole mine, I'll take yours.
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