Two days before the wedding, everyone began arriving in Denver. Ivy rushed around, making last minute preparations, and enjoyed the company. Her parents had decided to have the reception at their home, and busily put the finishing touches on the decorations.
On the night before the wedding, Pat, Paul and Gary took Nuno away, telling him he wasn't allowed to see Ivy until the next day. Nikki, Sabina and Emily echoed the statement, and took Ivy to an early dinner. Blindfolded, she had no idea where they were until they released her eyes. Then she laughed.
"This is a familiar haunt," she grinned, slipping into the very seat she'd been in when she'd first seen Nuno.
"It's too bad we can't get them to come to California," Sabina smiled.
"That would be something. Except we're too busy, and we'd never be able to see them. It's much better here," Nikki said. Emily nodded her agreement, and they ordered.
After dinner, they went to see a movie, then returned home. Ivy tried to sleep, but really had a hard time. She kept wondering if Robert would be at the ceremony, then pushed the thought from her head. Nuno would be, and she had no complaints about that. She fell asleep with that thought.
Pat stood inside the Catholic church in Denver where Ivy had decided to be married. He didn't like it; it had too many places where someone could hide. At least they had restricted the ceremony to fifty people, some of whom didn't even speak English. Nikki brushed by him, breaking his train of thought, and he smiled at her tensely, watching everyone who came in the door.
"Are you okay?" she asked, taking his arm and turning his attention to her.
"Yeah. Just nervous. Anyone could hide in this place."
"You mean Robert. We checked the whole building. He's not here." She sounded frustrated.
"At least he wasn't," he snapped, then sighed. "I'm sorry. I just don't like it."
"I know. Relax." She gently caressed his face. "It's only fifteen minutes, and there are policemen outside." He smiled, watching her as she walked off, and began checking the small alcoves again. He hadn't gotten far when the ceremony started, and he took his place at the aisle near the door just as it opened to let the bride in.
Ivy wore her mother's wedding dress, a plain white satin dress with rosettes on the neckline. Her bouquet consisted of red roses that set off her sparkling green eyes. As she passed him, Pat glanced down at Nuno standing at the altar, waiting for her. They made a great couple, and now that this nonsense was out of the way, both bands could get back on their feet again. But somehow they had to get together from opposite sides of the country.
A movement caught Pat's eye; someone in black moved down the side aisle, keeping to the wall. Pat watched, unsure if this had been planned or not, but began moving towards the altar, not too far behind the man on the other side of the benches. He turned his head and Pat's temper flared up again - it was Robert. Pat tuned back into the ceremony, which was nearing the close; the priest only had to say -
"If there are any here who object to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace." And Robert sped forward, a knife in his hand.
"Nuno, watch out!" Pat yelled, and lunged for Robert.
Nuno grabbed Ivy and swung her behind him, out of the way, and looked back as the knife flashed past him. Pat slammed into Robert and they fell at Nuno's feet, Pat gripping the wrist with the knife in it. He hit Robert twice in the face, then Ruben and Gary pulled him off as two others got Robert, taking the knife from him.
"Ruben, don't let him go until Robert's out of here," Gary cautioned the other man holding onto Pat. The blonde struggled wildly in silence until Robert had been taken out of the church, then slumped.
"Sorry," he said softly. "I'm okay."
"Sure?" Gary asked. Pat nodded and the two released him.
"Sir, I think you can continue with the ceremony. No one has any objections. At least, no legitimate objections," he said to the priest, and turned to go back to his post by the door.
Ivy gripped Nuno in terror through the whole exchange, pressing her head into his chest. It terrified her that she might have lost him now. So caught up in her thoughts, she didn't know Robert had been removed until Nuno lifted her chin and smiled at her. "You have another chance to back out now," he said quietly. She smiled shakily, forcing the tears back, and took a deep breath.
"What, you mean him?" she asked shakily. "Right." She returned to her place, looking expectantly at the priest. With one last smile at her, Nuno also turned his attention to the priest.
Nearly to the end of the aisle, Pat realized his ribs hurt and put his hand to his side. It came away red. He sank down on the last bench and checked towards the front of the church. They'd be okay; Robert had finally been arrested and from the sounds of it, Ivy's name had officially been changed. Good, it had taken long enough.
"You okay?" Nikki asked, slipping onto the bench next to him. He looked so much more relaxed than he had earlier, and she hoped it would last.
"Sure," he smiled. "I save my friends everyday. But I need a doctor, just to get this bandaged. You want the job?" He showed her the growing red on his side under the jacket.
She laughed softly and kissed him. "Of course. Come on." She led him out of the church.
Nuno slowly opened his eyes and glanced around. At first he didn't recognize the room, then he remembered and tightened his arm around the girl at his side. Her arm lay across his chest again, her head snuggled against his shoulder. He gently stroked her arm, then brushed her hair from her face and smiled.
"I don't believe this," he whispered. "You are mine. I love you so much."
"I love you too, but are you going to make this a habit?" she responded, pushing herself up.
"Getting up early."
"Are you complaining, Mrs. Bettencourt?" he teased. She shivered slightly in delight.
"Well, no, if you promise not to wake me up," she teased back, then he pulled her close and kissed her deeply.
Pat walked into the prison and asked to see Robert. He was shown into a room, where he sat at a table, green eyes hard and fists clenched. When Robert was shown in, the guard started to leave, but Pat stopped him.
"This will be short, and I'm not sure I won't kill him before I'm done," he said, and turned to Robert. It was hard to keep his hands off him. "You will keep you hands, eyes, and everything off of Ivy and Nuno, do you understand?" he asked evenly.
Robert smiled. "Why? So everyone in your..."
"I wouldn't continue that line of thought if you want to live," Pat growled. "I am going to keep track of you, and if I hear..." He paused and looked at the guard, then cleared his throat. "Trust me, this is not a weak threat. I don't want to see your face again around any of us."
Robert smiled. "You won't. Now that I know what kind of a person she is."
Pat grimaced. "Just think that, remember you aren't the one she chose, and stay away." He looked at the guard. "I'm ready to go." He walked out of the prison, his heart no lighter, but glad he'd warned him.
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