Title: Dispossessed
Fandom: N/A
Characters: Man and Woman
Universe: N/A
Prompt: 01. Beginnings
Word Count: 206
Date finished: 03/07/2006
Rating: G
Summary: Two are banished from a city - and
pause for a moment, still in sight of their home.
Author's Notes: A random thought that's
been bugging me for a while. I rather like this scene, even if it's short.
Disclaimer: N/A
He paused at the top of a hill and looked back. The city was pristine; from here he couldn't see the blood, hear the screams of his dying people. He wasn't sure it was an improvement.
She looked back as well, and then, after a moment, looked at him. Reluctantly, he pulled his gaze from the city and met her eyes. There was sympathy there, to his relief, not pity. He couldn't have handled pity.
She turned to look in the direction they'd been walking - toward the wilderness. After a moment, he looked forward, too. After all, it was his future now. Grateful for her strength, he started walking again. She tucked her head into his shoulder, and he tightened his grip on her. They'd be back. He was not going to leave his people under the rule of that madman.
Especially since the madman was his brother.
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