Title: Photograph
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Tifa
Prompt: 004 - Insides
Word Count: 114
Date finished: 08/17/2006
Rating: G
Summary: Tifa contemplates the picture
by Cloud's phone.
Author's Notes: It was something
I read about someone's analysis of the move... Stuck with me.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as
far as I know.
There were times Tifa hated the inside of Cloud's office. It was just as he'd left it; notes for deliveries months old on the wall, his desk cleared of all papers, and the picture someone had taken of them and given them right next to the phone.
She hung up the phone after her conversation with Reno, and paused, examining the picture. It was a clue, she realized, and wondered if that was why he kept it in here. She'd never noticed how far away Cloud was from her, Denzel, and Marlene. He was practically leaning away from them.
One more step, and he'd be out of the picture entirely.
Like he was now.
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