Title: A Long Time
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Cloud, Tifa
Prompt: 007 - Days
Word Count: 204
Date finished: 09/24/2006
Rating: G
Summary: Cloud counts days.
Author's Notes: It amazes me that this movie was only two days long. Even if there were days between them. If that makes any sense.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as far as I know.

A Long Time

When he calculated the time that passed, starting with the attack from the bluff to his final battle with Kadaj and Sephiroth, Cloud was astonished to realize it had taken two days. It had seemed to stretch over so much more time, as if he'd been expecting something like this for… well, since Meteor, maybe.

Tifa smiled at him. "It was a long two days," she said. "Longer than any time I can think of."

"Not for me," he said. "I've had longer days."

Days of wondering if she was going to hate him when he died, wondering how she'd survive if he wasn't there to help supplement the Seventh Heaven income - not that he'd ever asked if she needed his help. Maybe she didn't. And that had made him sad….

It had been a vicious cycle.

He could stop it, now. He'd been afraid to speak to her, afraid… of so much. But he'd wasted so much time, being alone, that he found he couldn't wait to get home (oh, what a nice word, home!) in the evenings, listen to her adventures with Denzel and Marlene, and tell her of what he'd seen.

It was the nicest change in his life so far.

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