Title: Brothers
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Kadaj, Loz, Yazoo, Cloud
Prompt: 013 - Yellow
Word Count: 293
Date finished: 06/19/2006
Rating: G
Summary: Kadaj on the bluff.
Author's Notes: So, colors are not
big in this movie - except Cloud's hair. Hey - it fit!
This was written before I had a firm grasp on who these guys are, so
I'm sorry it's wrong.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as
far as I know.
The old rusted sword had been thrust into the bluff, and had stood sentinel there for two years.
Kadaj pulled up next to it and kicked it over, sending it skidding toward the drop off. Flanked by Loz and Yazoo, he looked over Edge, and laughed internally.
"Hey, Kadaj," Yazoo said slowly, almost lazily. "Is that where big brother lives?"
He'd known his connection to Cloud was clearer than his brothers. This was just a confirmation. "Yeah."
"Do you think he'll be glad to see us?"
Kadaj smirked but didn't look at his brother, watching for yellow in the grey-brown landscape. "Not a chance."
Loz pounced. "Don't cry, Yazoo."
"But mother's with him," Yazoo responded, taking the only shot he could.
"Maybe not," Kadaj said, enjoying the whole exchange. It was a distraction, but one they could afford.
Yazoo pounced, of course, but not until Loz made a sound. "Don't cry, Loz," he said, almost gently, mocking his brother.
"Hold on," Kadaj said, focused suddenly down at the bottom of the bluff. "He's coming."
There it was, the spot of yellow in the drab landscape, moving at a pretty good clip. Yazoo glanced at Loz; they both nodded, looking like they were going to enjoy this, and Kadaj nodded them down. He felt their eagerness, their excitement, and reveled in the cruelty they would inflict.
Once big brother was taken care of - especially if Cloud denied having Mother - they'd see about the girl who'd helped him. Loz could take care of her; he needed a good fight. It would be good for him.
And Yazoo could gather the children.
Kadaj smiled as he watched his brothers play. Soon, he thought as he dialed the number on his phone. Soon, they'd be with Mother.
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