Title: Memoriam
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Nanaki, Vincent
Prompt: 014 - Green
Word Count: 229
Date finished: 06/19/2006
Rating: G
Summary: Nanaki remembers his friends.
Author's Notes: It was the green that covered Edge that caught my imagination (or is that Midgar?) at the beginning of the movie.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as far as I know.


Nanaki sat down on the bluff looking on the over-grown ruins of Edge. The humans had left some time ago, a few years after Cloud had died. His descendants - and Tifa's - were in Cosmo Canyon. One of them, a great-something granddaughter, looked amazingly like Tifa. She was happier, though; Tifa had seen and done so much in her early years that it had taken its toll on her. Both she and Cloud had had to relearn to smile - and Nanaki remembered that it had never come easily to Cloud, even with his children around him.

He still held the Tsurugi, hidden, because there was no need for it. None of the children had ever asked, and only a couple had even showed any interest.

Nanaki flicked his tail. He missed them - all of them - but specifically Cloud and Tifa. His life had diminished with their passing.

His companion stirred next to him. "Is anything left?" he asked softly.

"I haven't been down there recently," Nanaki answered. "But I doubt it." He looked at Vincent. "The pool was, just after the city was abandoned."

Vincent regarded his friend seriously, then stood. "I think I will go and visit them," he said, and began walking down the bluff.

Nanaki watched him go, then turned and started back toward his own home. He would join the Lifestream - and his friends - in good time.

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