Title: Blue Sea
Fandom: Prince of Tennis: Fudomine Chuugaku
Characters: Ishida Tetsu,
Prompt: 015 - Blue
Word Count: 103
Date finished: 04/30/2007
Rating: G
Summary: Tetsu can't believe his eyes.
Author's Notes: This will take a
little explaining. There is this wonderful thing called the Crack
Pairing Generator. I went and played on it, and came up with a LOT of different
things. Most of these will not, in fact, be true pairings as they are meant,
but it gives me a reason to throw some people together who might not be. This
one was "Ishida Tetsu/Kajimoto Takahisa - Mermaid" (although to be
honest - I'm not sure Tetsu and Kajimoto ever actually met). Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Konomi Takeshi, and whoever did the
anime. At any rate, it's not me.
Never mind that the ocean was as blue as the sky, and clear enough to see to the bottom. Never mind that it was one of the strangest places Ishida Tetsu had ever been, and his boating companion was someone he didn't think he'd ever officially met - only heard about from An. Never mind that he wasn't sure how he'd gotten on the boat in the first place with Kajimoto Takahisa.
He wanted to know how in the world he was looking at a mermaid.
And then he woke up, sopping wet and with his teammate's laughter outside his bedroom window.
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