Title: Driven to Drink
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Tifa
Prompt: 020 - Colorless
Word Count: 126
Date finished: 08/24/2006
Rating: G
Summary: Tifa's thoughts just before Reno calls.
Author's Notes: This prompt has been giving me fits! I hope this works.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as far as I know.

Driven to Drink

Tifa contemplated the glass of colorless alcohol on the bar before her, wondering if she'd succumb to the temptation today. One day, she knew, she'd give in and drink, get fall-down drunk and for a short - oh, so short - time, forget.

But not now. Right now, upstairs, Marlene watched over Denzel, who'd collapsed earlier that morning. She needed to check on them, make sure everything was okay - as okay as it could be, with Denzel so ill.

With a sigh, she dumped the glass out and washed it, starting at the sound of the phone from Cloud's office. She sighed again, not needing the reminder of his absence right now. "He's not here anymore," she announced to the empty bar, but went to answer it anyway.

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