Title: A New World
Fandom: Power Rangers ZEO
Characters: Andros, TJ, Carlos, Ashley, Cassie, Zhane / Jack, Daniel, Sam, Teal'c, Gen. Hammond
Universe: N/A
Prompt: 025 - Strangers
Word Count: 6921
Date finished: {Date}
Rating: PG
Summary: Samantha Carter meets some very strange people; Zhane finds out an old enemy of the United Alliance of Planets under Eltare is dead - but someone has stepped up to take his place.
Author's Notes: Oh, what fun this has been! I've been thinking on this little gem for a couple of years: the idea came from another short fic called 12 Months of Zingers (it's the January one - but all of them are fun).
This is a collaboration with Jeanka; she was kind enough to take the other side of conversations for me, and has been invaluable in helping me work it out and find directions. Thanks!
Disclaimer: I don't own Stargate, either. Please don't sue me for crossing a couple of very strange but extremely fun shows!
Disclaimer: I don't know who owns the Rangers at this point: I'd guess Disney. At any rate, it isn't me. Maggie, if she appears, is MINE. Please don't take her.

A New World

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