Title: Rebirth
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Kadaj, Cloud, Sephiroth
Prompt: 029 - Birth
Word Count: 156
Date finished: 09/01/2006
Rating: PG
Summary: Kadaj becomes Sephiroth.
Author's Notes: I've tried this one three times. Finally got it...okay.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as far as I know.


"My Reunion," Kadaj said, eyes alight with something Cloud wasn't sure he wanted to define. "I'm sure you're dying to watch."

Even if he moved right then, he couldn't have stopped Kadaj from pressing the remains of Jenova into his chest. Whatever Kadaj was going to be, he couldn't just watch the birth of it without doing something. He launched himself after the Remnant, determined to stop him, thankful for Tifa's words of encouragement the night before.

He didn't have time to be disturbed at how Kadaj landed, almost lazily reaching up to meet his attack, unarmed. And he stopped, as if his Tsurugi had met with another sword, leaving him hanging.

Something shot off to his right, and his head turned to follow it. He recognized the sword, was denying it's existence - hoping he'd been wrong - even as he looked back at Sephiroth, not Kadaj, eyes widening in surprise.

"Nice to see you again, Cloud."

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