Title: First Date
Fandom: Prince of Tennis: Fudomine Chuugaku
Characters: An, Oshitari, Kippei,
Mrs. Tachibana
Prompt: 030 - Death
Word Count: 559
Date finished: 05/02/2007
Rating: G
Summary: An has a date - and it's not
with someone Kippei really wants her to be dating.
Author's Notes: Crack Generator
strikes again! Oshitari/Kippei - Roses for this one. Heh.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Konomi Takeshi, and whoever did the
anime. At any rate, it's not me.
The doorbell rang, and Kippei looked up from his homework, checking his watch. Seven on a Friday night, he thought, standing up. Who would that be?
When he opened his door, though, he didn't hear anything, so he ran down the stairs to answer it.
Unfortunately, at least by the look on his little sister's face, he was there in time to see who it was. His mother stood to one side of the foyer, holding a bouquet of red roses - obviously a gift from the tall boy standing just inside the door. Kippei even recognized him.
"Kippei," An said, a warning in her voice, before he could even open his mouth.
He blinked. "What?"
It was amazing, how quickly she could put him on the defensive - well, sometimes. She couldn't always, but her occasional preemptive strikes caught him enough off guard for it to actually happen.
An sighed. "Oshitari Yuushi, my brother Kippei. Kippei, my date for the evening."
Kippei blinked again, trying to remember how old An had turned at her last birthday, and then realized, from the delighted look on his mother's face, that it didn't matter. She was excited to see her daughter dating. Kippei hid a sigh and bowed. "It is good to meet you," he said.
Oshitari didn't quite smirk, but it must have been hard not to. "Thank you," he said. "Shall we?" He offered his arm to An, who took it with a wave, and they were gone.
Kippei turned to his mother, but she was already gone, so he followed her to the kitchen. "Do you know this boy?" she asked as she set the roses down, then reached for one of her better vases.
"A little," Kippei admitted. "More his team, though."
"You don't approve."
Kippei shrugged uncomfortably. "The last time An had a run-in with someone from Hyotei, he threatened to force her on a date with him. Akira and his friend from Seigaku stopped him."
His mother glanced at him as she quickly cut the roses and placed them in the vase. "I see. And you paint them all with the same brush-strokes?"
He snorted. "Considering the one I played when we knocked them out of the tournament - yeah."
"Kippei," she said, turning to face him. "You hate it when people do the same with your team."
He shifted, suddenly uncomfortable. "I know," he said in a low voice. "And I try not to. But so far, every one of that team I've met has been the same."
"Well, maybe this one is different," his mother said, and set the roses in the center of the table. "And maybe your sister will try an Ikabana arrangement before these die."
Kippei hesitated, eying the roses. "Yeah," he said absently. "Maybe. When's she supposed to be back?"
His mother slipped an arm around his shoulders and steered him toward the stairs. "That is between me and her. I don't want you harassing her until tomorrow."
"I don't harass her any more than she does me," he protested, but followed her lead anyway.
His mother laughed. "Yes, dear. And when you go on a date, I'll make sure she doesn't harass you as soon as you get home, either."
Kippei snorted softly as he started up the stairs. "Thanks," he said, and wondered if he ever would have that date.
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