Title: Information
Fandom: Power Rangers: in Space
Characters: Sylvie, Justin
Universe: Ranger Academy
Prompt: 033 - Too Much
Word Count: 293
Date finished: 05/10/2006
Rating: G
Summary: Sylvie gets information for her next
Author's Notes: Strange little idea that
may or may not even show up in the story it's for. It's sheer randomness, just
so you know.
Disclaimer: I don't know who owns the Rangers at this point: I'd guess Disney.
At any rate, it isn't me. The Ranger
Academy is owned by Sparticus.
Sylvie flinched under the onslaught of information, shaking her head to clear it, but carefully, so she didn't dislodge the contacts, although she would have liked to. The headshake only made it worse, and she closed her eyes, although she knew already that wouldn't help. "Slow down," she muttered softly, and the information dump, miraculously, did so.
Her head ached by the end of it. "Wow," she muttered, and looked at Justin. "Isn't there an easier way to do this?" she asked. "It's like having it all dropped in my head at once."
He shook his head. "No, not really," he responded. "It's the best way to do it."
"How many people do you do this with?"
He thought about it as he disconnected the probes from her helmet. "Most of the new Ranger teams are sent out with this. The Ninjetti, when necessary." He hesitated. "Actually, now that I think of it, the information is dumped into their power focus, and then distilled into them. You're the only one that gets it so directly."
"Does that mean you don't have something for this head ache?" she asked before demorphing, glad she was sitting down as the room swam.
"Not at all," Justin told her. He vanished from the small room, only to return a few moments later with a plastic cup of something, and two ibuprofen. "Take these; it'll help a little. I suggest you get to sleep, too," he added. "If it doesn't feel better when you wake up, get to Medical. You need to be fit for this mission; it's going to be a long one."
And that, she realized with a grimace as she made her way from Justin's lab, was too much information right now.
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