Title: Assassination Attempt
Fandom: Power Rangers: in Space
Characters: Sylvie, Carlos, Cassie, Head Medic
Universe: Ranger Academy
Prompt: 036 - Smell
Word Count: 462
Date finished: 05/25/2006
Rating: PG
Summary: Sylvie wakes up to roses, but doesn't remember why she's waking up.
Author's Notes: This actually goes right after Aftermath (97). I'm not sure the preceding events will be the right ones, but this, and its sequel, might well be in the final fic. If it ever gets written.
Disclaimer: I don't know who owns the Rangers at this point: I'd guess Disney. At any rate, it isn't me. The Ranger Academy is owned by Sparticus.

Assassination Attempt

There were roses by her bed. Close enough for her to smell as she woke up. Sylvie opened her eyes to find herself still in Medical on Triforia, same room, nearly the same reason as last time.

Only this time he'd tried to kill Carlos.

Sylvie tried to remember what had happened, but the last thing she remembered was pointing out the man who had tried to torture her into giving him her Chameleon to Trey. The man - she still didn't know his name - had turned and aimed a blaster past her to Carlos, and she'd never moved so fast to get in the way….

Her shoulder hurt. She reached up to rub it to find she'd been restrained.

She couldn't stop the panic that filled her mind, and she jerked on the restraints. Something had gone wrong, he was back in charge, he was going to do something worse this time, she'd failed….

"Shhh…" a familiar voice said, and gentle hands brushed her hair from her face. "It's okay, Sylvie." Wait. Cassie? Her panic faded a little, and she made her hands hold still, even if they trembled.

Slowly, her eyes opened, the faces above her blurred from tears. "Get those off her. I told you it was a bad idea."

Carlos. He sounded angrier than she'd ever heard him, except that time he'd told her he wasn't going to be her slave any longer, back when she was eight.

"I'm not going to explain it to you again," Cassie said flatly, then she was free. She folded her arms tightly across her middle, still trembling, then reached with one to rub her eyes so that she could see.

The head doctor was also there, aside from Cassie and Carlos. Carlos was standing, at least - thank heavens for that - looking like he could spit nails. That expression she also knew, from the time he'd been guarding Ashley from the threats at the Academy the year she'd graduated.

"I'm sorry," Cassie said gently. "You were doing more damage than the shot itself, and I couldn't come up with a better way to keep you from rubbing your shoulder."

Sylvie nodded. "Okay," she said softly, but she was still trembling.

Carlos stepped closer, looking weary. "Thank you," he said softly, his fingers brushing her arm.

"Any time," she said, but was too weary to make sure he understood as the panic finally faded, and exhaustion set in.

"Out." Cassie said sharply. "Everyone, out." She waited until they had all left, then turned to Sylvie. "Do you want anything?" she asked.

Sylvie sighed. "No."

Cassie smiled softly. "You might have to force it down his throat," she said, but Sylvie was too close to sleep to ask what she meant.

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