Title: A Day Off
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Tifa, Cloud
Prompt: 057 - Lunch
Word Count: 232
Date finished: 08/08/2006
Rating: G
Summary: A long-awaited time together.
Author's Notes: Some of these prompts
are hard!
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as
far as I know.
Tifa was surprised that her thoughts never once strayed toward Edge, and her bar, and the two children Barret was watching for them on this most precious of days. Instead, they remained firmly fixed on now, on where they were and what they were doing.
Lunch had been perfect - although where Cloud had even gotten the idea, she'd have to ask - cold fried chicken, vegetables chopped and kept cool in water, small pieces of chocolate for dessert, and cold water to drink. There had been plenty, and they ate with pleasant conversation on a blanket spread out on a hill overlooking a newly green valley.
Cloud had been very much present - something he wasn't, always; he spent so much time thinking about the past, or the future, that he missed the joy of day-to-day life. She'd even caught him smiling, once or twice, and once she'd managed to get an actual grin out of him.
"You should smile more," he told her on that occasion.
"So should you," she'd said without hesitation, and he'd kissed her.
Oh, yes, it was a marvelous day. One she wouldn't forget in some time - and one she planned to have repeated as often as he would let her.
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