Title: Rainfall
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Cloud, Kadaj, Loz, Yazoo
Prompt: 065 - Passing
Word Count: 255
Date finished: 07/05/2006
Rating: PG
Summary: End
Author's Notes: It was the regret, I think, that made me think of this one.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as far as I know.


Kadaj... disintegrated, leaving behind green glowing sparks that flew around Cloud before rising ever upward into the gently falling rain. Cloud stood, feet apart just so he'd stay on them, and watched, hoping the man who had called him brother had found peace.

The deep thrum of Cid's ship - bigger than the now-destroyed Highwind - meant his friends were near, and he found he just wanted to sink into Tifa's embrace and sleep forever.

If she'd even talk to him.

He closed his eyes and tilted his head back; the rain was refreshing, and he liked the caress of it. But if he wasn't careful, he'd fall asleep right there, surrounded by the blades of his Tsurugi. His mind blessedly blank, he just stood there, gathering his strength to face Tifa.

He heard the shot as the bullet tore through his body; the shock of it - and the pain - brought him to one knee, gasping for breath.

"We'll go together," Yazoo said, sounding no more healthy than he felt.

"Together, we'll play," Loz added, just as weak.

Slowly, Cloud staggered to his feet, caught his balance, turned, and ran at Kadaj's brothers, so determined to take him with them.

He couldn't even get the tip of his Tsurugi off the ground. Yazoo had really hurt him with that shot. He leaped at them, caught twin smiles of satisfaction, and so was ready when the fire rolled over him.

It was a relief - weighed heavily with regret - to just let go.

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