Title: Thunder
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Yuffie, Tifa
Prompt: 069 - Thunder
Word Count: 126
Date finished: 10/27/2006
Rating: G
Summary: Rude's bomb from inside the Sierra.
Author's Notes: Grasping at straws. Last one for a while; I really need to watch that movie again....
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as far as I know.


The noise thundered through Edge, shaking those gathered in Cid's Sierra. Seconds later, feet thundered down the stairs, and Yuffie burst in from the upper deck.

"You should have seen it!" Yuffie exclaimed. "It was amazing! Colors everywhere!"

Tifa had a sick feeling in her stomach, and she stepped out of the wheel house to regain her composure. She'd seen Rude's explosives before, knew what they did, and she was sure the thunder - and accompanying colors - had been one of his. She hoped, at least, that it hadn't been aimed at Cloud.

So it was a relief when they arrived at the old Shin-Ra complex to find Cloud fighting Kadaj. She relaxed - a little, at least, because no matter what, it was up to him, now.

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