Title: Heartbreak
Fandom: Prince of Tennis: Fudomine Chuugaku
Characters: Uchimura Kyosuke, Kisarazu
Prompt: 071 - Broken
Word Count: 194
Date finished: 05/22/2007
Rating: G
Summary: Atsushi sees something he wishes
he hadn't.
Author's Notes: Crack pairing generator
again. I was so frustrated with this, I had no idea even where to start. Uchimura/Kisarazu
Atsushi - Secret.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Konomi Takeshi, and whoever did the
anime. At any rate, it's not me.
Kisarazu Atsushi got to the top of the stairs - where the street courts were - and stopped dead.
It was deserted but for a boy and a girl, who looked like they were speaking very seriously. The boy - clad in a Fudomine tennis regular's uniform and a dark cap - held a tennis racquet like he knew how to use it. The girl was in a school uniform as well - probably also Fudomine, but he didn't know for sure - and wouldn't look at the boy speaking to her.
The sun was setting; it was way too late to be there, but he'd needed something to do and this had been the first thing to come to mind. But he didn't want to interrupt what looked like a confession, and so he started back down the stairs.
But not before the girl turned away, and the boy, looking as devastated as someone his age could, sank to the court in a tiny ball.
This was not something he was going to tell anyone - not Yuuta, not Shinya, and definitely not Mizuki - it was too private, too painful, and too horrid to contemplate using someone's broken heart against them just to win a tennis match.
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