Title: Rain
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Cloud, Kadaj, Sephiroth, Aerith
(in spirit)
Prompt: 072 - Fixed
Word Count: 316
Date finished: 05/22/2006
Rating: G
Summary: Cloud's reaction to being healed of
the GeoStigma.
Author's Notes: And I thought it would
take forever to start writing these fics! This has really captured my imagination.
This made sense to me - not to mention wondering how Sephiroth controlled
Cloud (it's in the game), and coming up with a reason why he couldn't in their
last battle in Advent Children.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as
far as I know.
The rain felt like Aerith.
There was no other way to put it.
Cloud looked up, surprised at the gentle rain that fell on him, and on Kadaj, inside the church. It didn't seem to be falling anywhere else, as far as he could see, but that thought fled his mind even as Kadaj, fighting the rain, fled the church, taking the remnants of Jenova with him.
And then the pain in his arm eased, faded, and was gone. He had to look, check his disfigured arm to see it was clean, clear, the pink ribbon tied there no longer bisecting a sore that reached from shoulder to past his elbow. Then he realized that the buzzing in the back of his head, that had been there since coming around the bluff and seeing Loz and Yazoo after him, was also gone, as quickly and cleanly as Kadaj had.
He started to get an idea of what was going on. He mounted Fenrir and went after the remnant.
"Your Geostigma is gone. That's too bad."
After that initial shock, thinking he was facing Kadaj only to find he was up against Sephiroth again, he'd felt nothing but a determination to defeat this monster again before he killed everyone and everything he loved. Keep him away from Tifa, Marlene, and Denzel, not to mention the rest of AVALANCHE and Edge, and even Rufus Shinra, because anything Sephiroth destroyed was one thing too many.
But he'd expected to find himself prisoner in his own body again, watching himself do and say things he screamed about in his head - like watching silent and still as Sephiroth killed Aerith. It hadn't happened, although he'd felt Sephiroth reach - but the Jenova cells had been cleansed from him by Aerith's rain.
It was one more thing he owed her. He wondered if he'd ever be able to tell her.
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