Title: Bright
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Cloud
Prompt: 073 - Light
Word Count: 233
Date finished: 07/25/2006
Rating: G
Summary: Cloud's thoughts as he hears
the voices of two old friends.
Author's Notes: I need to stop watching
this movie at midnight. This is the brightest part of this movie I could think
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as
far as I know.
But it was comfortable, and he was willing to stay.
A hand rested gently on his forehead, and he said the first thing that popped into his head - certainly Kadaj's influence. "Mother?"
"Again?" He knew that voice, should know it. "Why is everyone calling me their mother lately?"
"I guess they must be fond of you." This voice was male, and just as familiar.
If he could have, Cloud would have moved, said something, anything, but he couldn't; even the word he had said had taken so much out of him that he could only listen to two voices he hadn't heard in life in so long.
"This one is too big to adopt," the woman said, laughter in her voice.
No, he wanted to cry. Let me stay, be at peace and lose Tifa his thought continued, and suddenly he wasn't so ready to stay.
"Tough luck, friend," the man said playfully. "Sounds like there's no place for you here."
And he was moving again, and then waiting
And then hands were on him, and his back was wet, and his eyes opened to see the church, and children, and - for which he gave thanks - Tifa.
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