Title: Resting Spot
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Cloud, Tifa
Prompt: 075 - Shade
Word Count: 253
Date finished: 11/19/2006
Rating: G
Summary: Cloud pauses for lunch.
Author's Notes: Last one for a long time, all... At least until the end of November. Sorry. Oh, and it hasn't been able to sit as long as the others, so it might be a little less... easy to read.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as far as I know.

Resting Spot

Finding a shady place to eat his lunch was getting easier, Cloud mused as he sped down the road with Fenrir. Trees were getting bigger, with the help of Reeve and the WRO - and even, to some extent, Shin-Ra.

The fields of flowers - where he sometimes thought he saw Aerith - were expanding, growing, and he slowed next to one, looking at it musingly. Hm… This was a nice one; he knew exactly where it was, too.

Because, up around the bend, Tifa waited with a blanket and lunch, and he was hungry enough for both of them. It had been a long trip, this one, taking him nearly a week to get everything delivered. He hesitated a little longer, then dismounted, gathered some of the flowers - surely Aerith wouldn't mind - and tucked them carefully into the small compartment he'd had made just for such an occasion.

The place they'd chosen to meet was in a grove of young trees; Cloud retrieved the flowers and slipped through to the grassy area in the middle. The sun was just west enough for the blanket to be covered in shade, and Tifa lay on one edge, reading a book. She looked up at him and smiled - and it made it all the more worth it, all the problems figuring out where to meet, and when, and making sure she had a ride….

Oh, yeah, he thought as she threw her arms around him, face buried in the crook of his neck. It was all worth it.

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