Title: Orphans
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Cloud, Tifa
Prompt: 079 - When?
Word Count: 146
Date finished: 01/15/2008
Rating: G
Summary: Cloud is surprised.
Author's Notes: Yes. I know. I'm sorry.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as far as I know.


Cloud hadn't realized the changes taking place at Seventh Heaven until he got home from deliveries early one day, and found the bar filled with children doing homework. He strode in, stopped short, and then continued across the floor to where he could see Tifa at the bar with Denzel and Marlene. She smiled at him.

"Welcome home," she said, and leaned over for a kiss.

He obliged, nervous at the snickers around him. "When did Seventh Heaven become an orphanage?" he asked.

She waved at the kids. "Most of them are homeless. Either without parents, like Denzel, or turned out of their homes, because of the Stigma."

Cloud stared at her. "They… Oh. Okay." He hesitated. "What can I do to help?" he asked softly.

Tifa nearly kissed him again, but she'd seen how uncomfortable he'd been the first time, and merely smiled.

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