Title: Decision
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Cloud, Marlene
Prompt: 082 - If
Word Count: 171
Date finished: 08/01/2006
Rating: G
Summary: Cloud's beating himself up.
Author's Notes: The idea of a decision
on how to act changing your attitude is one I've always believed in.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as
far as I know.
It had been such a strange conversation with Vincent, after his friend had rescued - yes, rescued, for Pete's sake! - him from Kadaj and his little band.
Cloud sighed.
It had been so easy, once he remembered what everyone had said - even Aerith, in that strange little dream? Vision? Whatever it had been - and made the decision to simply try.
And as soon as he had, he'd felt like he had a purpose again, something beyond just getting rid of Kadaj before he did something really bad.
The combination of guilt and Geostigma had about done him in, and he'd let it.
And as the sun rose, he wondered -
If all it had taken was a decision not to give in, why had he waited so long?
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