Title: Worries
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Tifa
Prompt: 083 - And
Word Count: 199
Date finished: 09/21/2006
Rating: G
Summary: Tifa thinks about her responsibilities.
Author's Notes: Gah.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as far as I know.


Tifa thought some times she was going insane. She had so many things on her mind - even when she dismissed those she had no control of.

Denzel and Marlene topped the list. The two children were so precious, so… necessary to her well-being these days that every time Denzel got sick, she felt her heart stop. Marlene was such a help, Tifa wasn't sure what she'd do without her.

Seventh Heaven and Strife Delivery Service, her two businesses (since Cloud didn't seem to be doing much), were next on the list. The bar, at least, was doing well; she could see that every night, and she enjoyed the company. As far as the Delivery Service went, so far, no one had complained, and occasionally she still got calls to the office. So it seemed to be fine, too.

Last on this short list were Tifa and….

But there wasn't anyone for her to be connected with, not anymore. And it amazed her, how much it hurt. The parallels were all down the list, and she was alone.

She didn't dare hope it would one day again - or for the first time, if she were honest - be Tifa and Cloud.

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