Title: Distraction
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Tifa, Denzel, Marlene
Prompt: 089 - Work
Word Count: 186
Date finished: 06/23/2006
Rating: G
Summary: Tifa's distraction, now that she's alone.
Author's Notes: It seemed to fit.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as far as I know.


Work was the only thing that kept Tifa's mind off Cloud. She spent the days in cleaning the bar, her nights in serving the Corel alcohol that was Seventh Heaven's specialty, joking with her clientele, and keeping control of those who had drunk a little too much.

The mornings were worst, when Denzel especially - Marlene to a lesser degree, now - asked when he'd see Cloud again.

She didn't know the answer to that. And since she didn't know any better, she told them both the truth. "I don't know where he is, when he'll be back, or why he left," she said, so often that the words became rote. As did the thought that accompanied them, if he'll ever come back.

But he hadn't completely cut off the lines of communication; she could still reach him by phone - or so she assumed. He didn't answer his phone, so she never actually spoke to him, but she never got any complaints about missed deliveries, either. He must be getting her messages.

At least he wasn't dead. That was the only good she could get from the situation.

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