Title: Giving Thanks
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Tifa, Cloud, Denzel, Marlene
Prompt: 093 - Thanksgiving
Word Count: 275
Date finished: 10/09/2006
Rating: G
Summary: Important days in the lives of our friends.
Author's Notes: It was better to have many than just one.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as far as I know.

Giving Thanks

There were so many days to remember, to give thanks, to reflect on life and how it had changed.

Cloud and Tifa both went to the church on the day Aerith died, leaving a flower near the pool. Sometimes they stayed and talked, remembering her, the first times they met, the last times they saw her. The conversation often went from there to the future, what they wanted to do, and how they'd do it, sometimes going to far beyond the possible they'd end up collapsed together, laughing.

Tifa threw a party on the anniversary of the defeat of the Bahamut - at least, that's what it was known as in Edge. To her - and to those who knew - it was a day of thanks for the cleansing rain; to even more intimate friends, it was thanks for the day Cloud returned to her, whole in body and healing in spirit. Denzel and Marlene generally expressed thanks for the same thing.

The day of the destruction of Meteor was spent giving thanks in a more public setting; most of the city spent that day out in the fields, planting flowers, trees, whatever it took to make it green again; by the third year, the bluff Cloud had set the Buster Sword as a marker for Zack bloomed in a riot of color that even Nanaki loved.

But the best times of thanks were at night, just before bed, when Cloud and Tifa told stories to Denzel and Marlene - no matter how old the two got, nor how far away - they were there, even if just on the phone, for that nightly ritual of stories and thanks.

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