Title: Love
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Cloud, Marlene
Prompt: 096 - Writer's Choice
Word Count: 156
Date finished: 07/21/2006
Rating: G
Summary: Marlene asks Cloud some questions.
Author's Notes: I've been wanting
to write this, but I really didn't know how to bring it in. This little interlude
was heaven sent for it.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as
far as I know.
"Did you love Aerith?"
Cloud looked down at Marlene in some surprise; his mind had been on other things entirely. "What?"
"Did you?"
The ghostly white of the trees around the Forgotten City lightened the night as they walked back to where Fenrir was, where he'd confronted Kadaj and his brothers and lost. Again. He looked around, not sure how to answer that. "In a way, I think so."
"Did she love you?"
That was not so easy to answer. "If things had been different, she might have."
Zack had stood between them, even though he was dead, a pale shade that existed in Cloud's mind alone. He'd often wondered what might have happened, if he hadn't been reconstructed in Zack's image, what they two of them might have had.
No, there was no question. He had loved Aerith. But his love for Tifa was so much more -
And it was time he showed her.
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