Title: Unfair
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Yuffie
Prompt: 098 - Writer's Choice
Word Count: 103
Date finished: 06/14/2008
Rating: G
Summary: Yuffie's jealous.
Author's Notes: It's been in my head. I figured writing it would be a good idea.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as far as I know.


It really wasn't fair, Yuffie thought, glancing over the crowd. She spotted Cloud and Tifa immediately - after all, who could miss that hair? - and nearly frowned. But that would have ruined this, and so she refrained, no matter how much she wanted to.

Even she could see the love between them, how he loved her, and she loved him. And yet….

She glanced toward her new husband, the one her father had found for her, a simpering (did boys simper?) wimp of a child, pampered, spoiled….

Why couldn't she have the kind of love forged in the heat of battle, like they did?

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