Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with the Power Rangers TV show; the concept and everything belongs to Saban.
Writer's note: I took some liberties with the story line of Power Rangers, although I did try to stick with it as much as possible. I also don't know much about magic or Wicca, so I'm pretty much treading in dark waters there. If something's wrong, I apologize for that, and please realize that I'm trying to do the best I can with the little that I know. Margery and Tabitha are the brain child of myself and a friend in Texas (I have moved WAY too much for one person!). Please don't take them.
Writer's note two: This starts in the Ninjetti season, for those who know the show, before Aisha goes to Africa, and the whole Zeo season starts. Also, I have nothing against Tanya, and I hope I haven't made her out to be something she's not.
"Live Your Life Your Own Way"
Leatherwolf, Cry Out
"I Have the Answers, the Secret
is Mine"
Leatherwolf, Thunder
"Meet the Real Me"
Megadeath, Sweating Bullets
"I Get the Joy of Rediscovering
Journey, Faithfully
"Tell Me Why You've Chosen Me"
Metallica, Until it Sleeps
"A Breath of Confidence and Self
Dream Theater, Learning to Live
"Come Make Me Miss You"
Metallica, Carpe Diem Baby
"Every New Beginning Comes from
Some Other Beginning's End"
Semisonic, Closing Time
"Leave What's Now Behind"
Queensrÿche, Speak
"Come on, and Take a Chance - Let's
Metallica, Devil's Dance
"Face the Facts, the Memory Remains"
Metallica, Memory Remains
"I'm Sure I Could Face the Bitter
Cold, But Life Without You, I Don't Know"
Celine Deon, I Don't Know
"Please Forgive Me"
Metallica, Low Man's Lyric
"Call it What You Want, I Still
Call it Love"
New Kids on the Block, Call it What You Want
"Lately, if it Wasn't for Real
Bad Luck, I'd Have No Luck at All"
Angel, Bad Time
"And I Want to Know for Sure if
I Should Stay or Walk Away"
Pseudo Echo, Walk Away
"When I Heard the Stained Glass
Shatter All Around Me"
Dream Theater, Surrounded
"Boy, I'm Trusting You with My
Heart, My Soul"
Aliyah, Are You That Somebody?
"A Look and Then a Smell of Perfume"
Savage Garden, I Want You
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