Title: Foreign Skies
Fandom: Power Rangers: in Space
Characters: Sylvie, Carlos
Universe: Ranger Academy
Prompt: 032 - Sunset
Word Count: 326
Date finished: 05/23/2006
Rating: G
Summary: Two friends share a sunset.
Author's Notes: Random again. It is just
a meeting of... well, people, I guess. It was nice. It relates a little to three
that go in order: Aftermath (97), Assassination
Attempt (36), and Guilt (85). It probably falls
after them - so read them first? I guess.
Disclaimer: I don't know who owns the Rangers at this point: I'd guess Disney.
At any rate, it isn't me. The Ranger
Academy is owned by Sparticus.
The sun went down, shooting deep magnificent colors across the sky. Sylvie leaned back against the wall of the school and just watched, drinking it in. She didn't say anything until the sky was a deep, velvet blue. "Wow," she finally breathed.
Her companion said nothing, and she turned to him. "How often do you get to see this?" was what she'd wanted to ask, and was surprised to find him looking at her. "Carlos?" she asked.
He sighed deeply. "I thought you'd like that. I've been wanting to show it to you for a while."
She struggled with the three things she wanted to say - why did you wait so long, why me, and what are you talking about? - and finally looked back up at the sky and the unfamiliar stars. "Thank you." Then, hesitantly, "do you know the constellations?"
He chuckled. "Not as well as I did on Earth, but I'm learning." He leaned closer, and she was glad of the heat of his shoulder. It was cold now that the sun had gone down. "See that really bright star?" he asked, pointing with the arm she leaned against. She nodded - it was the brightest star in the sky. "It's named after the Triune Goddess, and is like our North Star. Follow her, they say, and you'll find your way to safety."
"Good to know," Sylvie said. Wish I'd known that sooner.
"Maybe we ought to incorporate the study of astronomy for when Ranger teams are sent out," he mused softly. "Things like that could be invaluable."
"It's a good idea," Sylvie agreed, and shivered.
Carlos noticed. "Let's go back in," he said. "You've got to be cold."
He helped her to her feet, but kept hold of her hand as they walked inside. She wasn't sure if it was because he wanted to hold her hand, or because she needed guidance. She didn't know what she wanted the reason to be.
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