Title: Summer Memories
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Tifa, Yuffie, Vincent
Prompt: 063 - Summer
Word Count: 417
Date finished: 09/29/2006
Rating: G
Summary: There is nothing to keep Tifa in Edge any more.
Author's Notes: Would you believe I forgot I wrote this? It was, I think, a companion piece to Loss (the Heart prompt). Oh, yeah, it's AU.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as far as I know.

Summer Memories

Summer was Tifa's least favorite season.

It was hot in Seventh Heaven, and even when it got dark, it didn't cool down enough to help. The fans didn't do much but move the heated, smoky air around, either.

The apartment upstairs, incredibly empty now that Marlene was back with Barret, was so hot as to make it impossible to sleep when she finally managed to get up there after closing the bar. Even going to the roof gave no relief; there was no wind, and the still air shimmered, even after midnight, in the moonlight.

She glanced out the window, looking longingly at Fenrir, covered in a tarp, but there was no way she'd have the strength to ever drive the massive bike.

She wanted out of Edge, away from the memories of Denzel succumbing to the Stigma, away from the grave of the only boy - man - she'd ever loved. He'd tried so hard, but in the end, it had defeated him, too, even as he killed Sephiroth. Aerith's spell had come just a little too late for Cloud.

Maybe she'd take Yuffie up on her offer, to go and laze her days in Wutai, close down the bar with too many memories. It was cooler there, Yuffie claimed, and Vincent backed her up every time Tifa expressed her disbelief.

On days like today, she was tempted.

The bell rang, and she wearily moved toward the small box that allowed her to talk to whomever was at the bottom of the stairs. "Yes?"

"Open up, Tifa," Yuffie demanded, sounding serious for once. Tifa didn't question, pressing the button to allow her friend up the stairs, and turned toward the door. Yuffie came through it like she was prepared for a battle, Vincent's cape a red swirl behind her. "We came to get you," Yuffie said softly. "Rufus called. He said you were wasting away."

Tifa stared at her. "Get me?" she said dully. Rufus called? She thought vaguely, and dismissed it.

"Yes," Vincent said. "This is unhealthy, Tifa. I know better than anyone." He gestured at the apartment, taking in the bar downstairs, the alley behind where Fenrir was parked. "This is your coffin in Nibelheim," he went on. "It is time you let yourself out."

"Is there anything you need?" Yuffie asked.

Tifa glanced around, then dully shook her head. "No," she said. "Not really." And she let them lead her out, down the stairs, and away from the nightmare her life in Edge had become.

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