Title: Rejection
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Cloud, Vincent, Barret,
Yuffie, Nanaki, Cait, Cid, Sierra
Prompt: 076 - Who?
Word Count: 796
Date finished: 04/21/2008
Rating: PG
Summary: Parents come to collect their
child. The child says no.
Author's Notes: My main aim in this
was to make sure that Tifa didn't have to rely on Cloud. She shouldn't - and
she can't. I don't know if I managed to convey that, but I did try. Previous:
One, Two.
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as
far as I know.
When the children returned to Seventh Heaven on Sunday night, they found a large room where three had been. "We're still working out beds," Cloud told Tifa as the children ran around the large room, their happy voices filling it.
"And foot lockers or something," Vincent added. "Where they can keep their things."
"This is great," Tifa said with a smile, watching the children run, enjoying themselves. "You did a great job."
Cloud smiled.
They had a large, loud dinner, everyone talking at once, their childish voices filling the bar so much better than her regular customers. Tifa leaned against Cloud's shoulder and smiled.
A knock at the door - front, again, more strangers, or someone ignoring the 'closed' sign in the window - and Tifa got to her feet to answer it, smiling at Cloud as she went into the breeze way.
The couple who stood outside did not resemble the last two who'd come searching for a missing child. Both of these people were hale, healthy, and they had a look that Tifa didn't like. "Yes?"
"We're here for Tanisha," the man said.
"You know she's here?" Tifa asked.
"Yes," the woman said.
"I see," Tifa said, growing more wary. "How long have you known?"
"Why does that matter?" the man asked, suspicious.
"Because I want to know why you didn't come earlier," Tifa said. "And why she wasn't at home with you."
The woman grimaced. "She leaked black stuff all over the house."
Tifa stared for a moment. "I see. You kicked you daughter out of the house because she was ill," she said, her teeth clenched.
"We don't expect you to understand," the man said. "We want her back."
"We have one rule in this case," Tifa said flatly. "If she doesn't want to go, she stays."
"You're telling me, that we can't have our daughter back, if she doesn't want to come?"
"Yes. If you tossed her out - at what, 9? - because she was ill, and not even something she had any control over, then if she wants to stay, she can stay."
The man stepped closer; Tifa met him with a stiff arm, knocking him back out the door. She closed it behind her even as he stepped closer again, looming over her. "We want our daughter."
"Why?" Tifa asked.
He stared at her. "Because we love her," the woman said.
Tifa laughed. "You don't toss a child out on the street because she's sick and gets your house dirty," she said curtly.
"As if you'd "
"I did," Tifa interrupted her. "His parents were dead. My friend found him collapsed outside where he was living and brought him to me. I know the mess, I know what it takes - and I managed to keep Denzel alive while running a bar." She indicated the building behind her. "You have no excuse. You can ask and see if she'll go with you, but if she says no, then she stays. Is that clear?"
They nodded - reluctantly, but it was agreement.
"Good. I'll bring her here."
Tifa went into the bar and over to Tanisha. "I need to speak to you," she told the girl, and took her to the door. "Your parents are here. They want you to come home."
The girl's expression said everything, before she even opened her mouth. It was about as far from Jaren's happiness as one could get. "No. I want to stay, Tifa." She sounded almost in tears.
"Okay," Tifa soothed. "It's okay. I just need you to tell them that."
The girl nodded and followed Tifa out the door. She kept close to the bar owner, and Tifa had to wonder what kind of life she must have lived if this were preferable.
"There she is," her father said, falsely hearty.
"Go away!" Tanisha shouted. "I'm going to stay here!" And then she bolted back into the bar.
Tifa shrugged at them. "I guess that says it all." She made sure to meet their eyes. "Don't come back here."
She waited until they left before going back into the bar.
Cloud pulled her aside later on, and asked what had happened. Her explanation brought a smile - and then a grimace to his face. "I'll try to keep an eye out, too," he said. "Just in case there's trouble."
Tifa smiled. "I'd appreciate it."
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