Title: Before the Judge 1
Fandom: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
Characters: Tifa, Reno, Rude
Prompt: 080 - Why?
Word Count: 229
Date finished: 06/06/2008
Rating: G
Summary: Reno and Rude have an unpalatable
job sometimes.
Author's Notes: The result of Tifa
turning out Tanisha's parents. Previous: One, Two,
Disclaimer: Characters are owned by Square Enix and Sony Pictures as
far as I know.
And he hated his current assignment. "She won't be angry with you," Rude said - who sounded like he wanted to do this as much as Reno did.
"It's not that," Reno groused as they walked in. "She doesn't need this. She's busy."
Still, Rufus asked, and they did what Rufus asked. Depending on how it went, it could be the end of it all. As long as Cloud knew, too, he could be there to support her.
Hell, she'd probably have most of Midgar there for support.
Tifa eyed them both as they walked in, and then straightened and left the bar. "You look like you're on official business," she murmured as she reached them.
"We are," Reno told her, and handed her the paper Rufus had given her. "Sorry about this."
She opened it, read it, and then nodded. "I'll be there. Thank you."
Her smile, as they left, was no less friendly than when they'd gone it. "Cloud's damn lucky," Reno muttered.
"He knows it," Rude said, and Reno had to agree.
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