These are the updates I wanted to keep, since I don't keep them usually. So, here you are, all the strange things in my head over various pieces of time. Please enjoy!
12/01/2007: Wow. Utter silence for a whole month. I'm sorry! But it was November, and I didn't do much anywhere. However - I Won! Yes! It took a while, and I almost didn't, but I managed. Barely.JJ
10/25/2007: I got a challenge to write another fic, and as it helps with my fanfic100, I did it. Amazingly, it was really easy. It shouldn't have been. Tree Shopping (092). JJ
10/24/2007: So, the arc is done, finally. I'll put them in order here, too. Gathering Data (059), Innocent Proposal (048), Official Announcement (095), Interrogation 1: the Groom (053), Interrogation 2: the Bride (037), Overheard Conversation (074), More Conspirators (012), Hacking (035), Revelations (057), Unexpected Developments (065), Bodyguard (078), Behind the Scenes (072), A Last Confrontation (003), and Epilog (018).
Also included is The Devil's Trill, another Prince of Tennis fic. It's finally done. Whew! JJ
10/08/2007: I updated my goal list; it seems to be doing pretty well. Slowly, granted, but it's going. Nothing to post story wise, either; I'm still working on my 14-fic arc. Only 1 1/2 left to go to! JJ
09/28/2007: I'm so sorry. This month has been hectic: we've been to the Emergency Room twice (once because Maggie fell and hit her ear, and once because Elyssa fell and hit her head - stitches for Maggie, and glue for Elyssa), and a friend's daughter accidentally strangled herself. You can read all the stuff on my livejournal about the girls.
I have been doing some writing, and I've gotten a good start on the 14-fic Manipulation arc I worked out some time ago. I want to finish it by the end of this month, but I don't think it's going to happen. It's all outlined out - it's just a matter of writing it.
I do have some fics to post: one of them is for a challenge that was cancelled, but it turned out pretty good anyway. Here are the fics: Retribution (009), Colors of the Sunset (032), Escape (043), and Coaching Troubles (080). I'll post the entire arc when it's finished (4 of 14 done!). Hope you like! JJ
09/08/2007: I completely forgot to update this, and I'm sorry for that!
I do have some news, and a fic to post: Found (013). I'm working on a lovely arc - it'll be fourteen fics when I'm done - but it's going slowly. I keep getting distracted by - and I hate to say it - plot bunnies. At least one had the decency to be about Fudomine! Until later. JJ
08/26/2007: I so ran with the idea I talked about in my last entry - I'm down to 114! Yay me! Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know. JJ
08/21/2007: Well, so, I have to update my goals - I'm up to 118 of 101... oops? Anyway, I have a few I forgot to add, and so I'm adding them in now. There wasn't really room, anyway, so... well, I guess there could be. It's just a matter of phrasing them, right?
Hm. I'll have to think on that.
In other news, I have some fics to post! They are: Caught in the Fight between Good and Evil (002), Understanding (025), Opening the Door (041), and Meeting Halfway (073). The last one is a companion piece to Shattered, the story I did in November, 2006. It can be found on, if anyone wants to read it. JJ
08/16/2007: I'm sorry, I haven't been neglecting this site so much as I haven't had any motivation to write. It's very frustrating. However: my goals have been rewritten, and that should go up today. I have a few more than they suggests - in other words, I've expanded them to include some goals that should have been included, and weren't. Which is no bad thing, right?
The writing is... going better, really; I think I broke through the writer's block that had been keeping me from writing, but we'll see. At any rate, things are going, just nothing is really in the computer yet. I'm still working on things, I promise. I hope to have a few done this week (well, as it's the end of the week, maybe not), and so I'll try to post by the end of next week. JJ
08/07/2007: I've been doing some traveling and some thinking, and it's been an interesting combination. One thing I haven't put up here so much is that I've been working on changing me, because I'm not really all that happy about my life and how I live it.
There isn't much to change on this site, so it's all good. One thing that will change is the page for the Nano_year - it's going to be deleted, as I really don't need it. Also, I plan on rewriting the 101 in 1001 goals, so that will be completely redone at some point. I'm giving myself two weeks to really think about it and come up with it. I'm not sure what to do with the goals that were finished, except to delete them, I guess, but anyway, look for that to happen, too.
I have to been writing, just not much and not very successfully. As soon as I have something worth putting up here, I will do so. Until then, have a great day. JJ
07/23/2007: Highly disturbing fic I wrote today, and I figure I need to get it up and posted so I can forget about it. Only the Best (034).
07/21/2007: So, yeah, I'm behind. I'm really sorry. So: updates.
These are going slower than I thought; sorry about that. Here they are: Good Friends (021), Method of Escape (027), Gasping for Breath (054), and Follow-Up (070).
The promised crossover is not included; it still needs work (rather a lot, actually). Instead, I included a fic based on one of the rps I'm in, and there is a link to the conversation that lead to it.
07/19/2007: I've been doing a lot of writing recently, most of it readable to everyone (those of you still reading my fics). I still have to format them and post them, and one - due last week (and turned in late, with permission) - I can't post until it's been posted on fudomine_love - a fic exchange community. There will be at least one more; this kind of thing is very... stretching, so to say, so I'm glad I signed up (even if I panicked - this was the first one I did). So, only three fics today: a crossover (yes! a crossover!), a sequel, and if I get it finished, another sequel (which would make it four) - the last is a stand-alone. But first, I need some information for another one I'm working on, so... maybe I won't get these posted today. We'll see.
07/08/2007: I'm sorry to have put so little here! It's been a hectic time, and I really haven't been writing as much as I'd like to. But here are some new fics: Betting Men (014), The Taste of Blood (039), Full Circle (044), Conversation after the Tokyo District Preliminaries (055), Warmth (076), and Sunday Mornings (089).
05/30/2007: I have fallen so far behind! I have a few fics to update you all on; and then I need to start writing again. Here they are: Meeting (008), Uchimura: Fighting Dirty (024), Letters from Home (033), Dressing Right (058), Rose Garden (063), Heartbreak (071), and Unusual Friends (081). Enjoy! JJ
05/17/2007: Well, so much for that thought; I was induced on Tuesday, the 8th (I'm sorry it's been so long - I'm still trying to recover), and gave birth to Taran Scott at 18:09. He was 8 lbs 13.5 oz and 21 inches long - my biggest so far. Yes, he has hair, but his eyebrows and eyelashes are blonde (or non-existant), and he's already smiled at me twice.
A few more fics as well: Girl Talk (005), First Date (030), and The Revenge of Uchimura (084), sequel to The Binding of Uchimura (026 - mostly because I couldn't resist). I hope you enjoy! JJ
05/03/2007: To bring you guys up to speed - I saw the doctor yesterday, and she thinks I won't make it to the 8th. As soon as anything happens, I promise to keep you updated as soon as I can, okay?
More of them! Blue Sea (015), A Meeting at the Aquarium (020), Laughter and Bubbles (028), Sketching (045), and Camping (052). I hope you enjoy them! JJ
05/02/2007: One more to add: An: A Good Start (001). Once I get finished with all of these I have so many fun things to try and write! I hope you enjoy! JJ
05/01/2007: I finished a couple more fics: Ishida: Something of Value (019), and The Bouncer (049). I hope you enjoy them! JJ
04/29/2007: Updated my goals, so they should all reflect correctly now.
And, oh! I found this great site for Prince of Tennis ideas; it's called the Crack Pairing generator. It gives you two people and a prompt; I wound up finding about 21 ideas from this for the new table. No, don't worry - none of them will actually be pairings in the sense they mean it, but it will feature both of the characters and probably that prompt as well. It gave me some great ideas, and I'm excited to get started on them. JJ
04/28/2007: I got my induction date: May 8th. We'll see if we last that long, since Elyssa came early when she had her date set. But at any rate, we have a date, even if it's not too much before the actual due date (and closer to the adjusted due date, which was too close to the original so they didn't change it). Uh. Yeah.
So, here's the next one: Tachibana: First Sight (040). Enjoy! JJ
04/24/2007: It occured to me at the beginning of the week (yesterday) that if I'm going to have everything posted that I've written before the baby comes, I'd better get moving. So, here is the Samurai Trilogy. Please keep in mind that I have done NO research and have really no clue. But it was fun. Here they are, in order: Trade (085), Revenge (022), and Elixir of Life (051). Oh, and another one: Sakurai: Doubles or Nothing (077) - although the title has little to do with the actual fic. Enjoy! JJ
04/19/2007: I actually posted another fic. It's called Mori: Finding Freedom (094); it's not my best, but it works okay. I'm hoping to finish the Samurai trilogy soon. I hope you like it! JJ
04/13/2007: I had an idea today; it'll take some time to actually do, but I'm going to, anyway.
I signed up for another claim on the fanfic100 on livejournal (even if my claim is on page five and may never be validated). I'll post the table and the first fic sometime today. I hope. It will be about the Cinderella school of Prince of Tennis, Fudomine. I'm rather excited (and a lot nervous, too). And yes, I will (hopefully) finish the Advent Children claim soon, too.
I updated the challenges page to reflect my new claim - and to give you an update on what else I had in mind. I hope you enjoy this rather bizarre change of pace!
I've also posted the first fic on the Fudomine table; it's called The Binding of Uchimura (026) - which sounds more grandios that it is. I hope you enjoy it! JJ
03/25/2007: Well, yeah, it's been a long time. I'm finding that the livejournal is better for keeping some stuff going - keeping track of me. I have been posting a fic there; I'll post it here, too (because that would be nice), as soon as it's finished.
Instead of directing you to my livejournal to keep track of the goals finished, etc.; I made a page for it. It can be found here, and I will try to keep it updated. No promises; I haven't been doing so well on the livejournal, so... We'll see how it goes. Maybe with all these things to update, I'll actually remember to do it.
Not much else is going on; Maggie is completely potty trained, and Elyssa is talking clearly and her vocabulary is growing in leaps and bounds. It's quite fun. JJ
03/01/2007: And I thought I'd been ignoring you before. In fact, not much has been going on. The preliminary work on Wolves in Eden has not materialized, and much of what I'm doing now has little to do with anything. I mean, I'm writing, sure, but nothing worth posting, and nothing worth speaking about. It's kind of frustrating - I haven't been reading much either.
In all honesty, to keep up it's best to check out my livejournal; I've been keeping up on that. But at the moment, nothing is really catching my attention, so... sorry to report, there is nothing to report. JJ.
01/28/2007: I have been ignoring you lot, haven't I? I'm sorry.
I started a new project - well, a lot of them, actually. But the one I meant was that I started Nano_year, an idea like nanowrimo, but it goes all year. I'm thinking of joining another - it's called novel_in_90 - but I want to get some preliminary work done first.
Anyway. So. Nano_year is an option to write all year, taking every three months off for editing. More details can be found at my new page here. I've already succeeded on my first month - yay me! I'm kind of excited, but I really need to get working on Wolves in Eden; I really want to rewrite that, and get it going as well as I can, and then see if, maybe, I can get it published.
Also, for anyone who checked up on my 101 in 1001, I have an update here. Check out the original post, too (which I just realized I hadn't given the link to); I've actually finished four goals. I've finished Shattered - managed to get about 72,200 words out of it total - and am working on posting it in about four different places. If you're interested, I can give you the link to any of them (they include, and the LiveJournal communities: fanfic100, tenipuri, and kikumaru_lovers).
I've also started role playing - well, okay, I've been playing in one game since the beginning of October (I told you, didn't I?), and the other one will start - hopefully - February 1st (just in time for my character to have a birthday. Heh. Poor Choutarou - his birthday is Valentine's Day). I'm kind of excited about it - it's a boarding school. I even managed to help a friend get started in it.
Anyway.... Beyond that, the rest of the news is mostly just family stuff: Maggie is starting to seriously get potty trained, and Elyssa is talking really clearly (and a lot). They're both doing really well. The baby is kicking (ugh) but healthy, so I can't complain too much. Um... Not much else to say, except that I really do hope to get Wolves done - maybe by the end of the year? - and in some sort of format to actually send out. Which is unbelievably scary. JJ
01/01/2007: Gah. Sorry. I really didn't mean to more or less ignore you, but it's been an incredibly hectic day. Week. Month. Gah.
At any rate, my writing has slowed. I still have one more fic I'd like to post, but I don't know how to finish it. I'm doing some heavy-duty editing right now, so not a lot is going to be posted. This is not abnormal, unfortunately.... However, I do have something I've done. It's found on my livejournal, a list of goals. It's 101 in 1001, 101 goals in 1001 days. I have until September 27, 2009 to get everything done. I want to keep talking, but I find I have nothing else to say....
However, I do hope you have a happy New Year - and that your dreams come true. JJ
12/08/2006: Oh, yeah... promises, promises. I haven't done either of the things listed below; and I don't know when I will. I really should at least try to do the laundry, though...
I have been making headway on Nanofimo - National Novel Finishing Month - and should finish Shattered hopefully by the end of this month. However, I'm having too much fun with all the webpages I'm making for it that I'm not getting much written. I need to do more sprints. JJ
11/21/2006: I wrote this yesterday, and so here it is: Resting Spot (075). I hope you enjoy! JJ
11/14/2006: I just realized I hadn't posted one of my finished AC fics, so here it is: Thunder (069). It's very originally titled (sorry...), but it works! Enjoy! JJ
11/13/2006: So, I'm well into Nano, and have caught a cold. I feel like crap, for the most part, and it's just not something I really enjoy.
I've decided (apparently) to do two novels this year: Betrayer's Fate, which is going... slowly, and a fanfiction one, based off a story I read on Unfortunately, I have been searching and have had NO luck in finding it again. It has been utterly frustrating. If I finish it (I've been using the prompts from the fanfic100 challenge), I'll post it on, and hope someone recognizes the fic and can point me in the right direction. Gah.
Anyway, I'm writing this because I'm prograstinating; I've actually got a couple of ideas for both stories, but neither is going smoothly. It's rather frustrating. Still... back to work! JJ
10/26/2006: I got a shock today - I haven't actually been counting down the days, and my nanowrimo report card kindly informed me that Nano starts in five days. Gah. I am in trouble.
On another front - a much better one, probably - Misunderstanding is ready to put up. More or less. I think I have all the strange words out or translated; if you find one, please let me know. JJ
10/19/2006: I'm bored. Which is all good for you guys! I'm going to work little by little today, putting up the rest of the fics I have from Advent Children (I just finished one, that makes only 11 left!), but the reason I'm updating is because my first Prince of Tennis fic is posted.
It's called Competition - and it's bad. Really bad. Mostly in characterization, but it's written in the style of Dream Novels (w/o the Java, yay!), which is also completely new. And I understand that the people are completely unfamiliar. I'll see if I can fix that (I think I have a team picture somewhere...). I updated the writer's notes on Misunderstanding, but I'm still not happy with the ending. I've got a better one written (in my notebook, somewhere!), so as soon as I get to it, I'll post that, too.
So, enjoy! JJ
Adendum (is that even right?): AC fics! Summer Memories (063), Broken Stair (064), Questions (066), Playtime (067), Morning (068), Holding Firm (086), Wanting to Live (087), What Makes a Community? (088), Decorations (091), Celebration (092), and Giving Thanks (093).
10/13/2006: Ah, Friday the 13th. If I were superstitious, I'd be so sunk. Elyssa dropped my full mug of water (64 oz mug) all over the office floor. Luckily, it's hardwood - unluckily, that's where the computer is. However, the tower is up on a collapsed box, so the water didn't get to it.
What I really came to tell you was that I have finally made the page for Misunderstanding, which is probably not the best name for it, but it was the best I could come up with. I have to warn you, though, that the writer's notes on this one are long. And there are three of them. But I think it got the whole point across, of what I was trying to do. JJ
10/12/2006: I'm tired of doing this one by one, so here's the latest batch: A Long Time (007), Not Giving Up (008), Battle Wounds (016), Favorite Colors (017), Salt (033), Enough (034), Losing It (035), Thoughts on Eternity (044), Cooking Lesson (059), Warmth (061), and Worries (083).
There are a few others, just pages, but they'll be up soon enough (have to be - I'm getting close to the end!). Actually - there aren't. I've run out of time this morning. An update, though - I only have 12 left to do. Not bad, eh?
On another front, I joined another community - a role playing one. It's been interesting. I'd like to do more, but one of the characters just intimidates me! ME, not my character (Eiji is fine with him - they're roommates and probably have been for a long time), so it's kind of scary. I only joined like... last weekend. Anyway, it means I have a new lj, too - called tamed_unruly (which makes sense, really, it does). It's based on the Prince of Tennis fandom (is anyone surprised?) and has been fun.
Still waiting for my beta to call (the above-mentioned Fiona) to help me work out Misunderstanding, so it's still... stuck. Seriously. Again, like two lines away from the end, and I cannot figure out what to say. I think, though, that I'll make a page for it (so people can at least see who is in this fic....). I hope the picture works out okay, though. It's kind of small, but fairly typical of the group - you can get a lot of their personalities (that I warped, of course) just from that.
Sooo... yeah. I'll sign off now. JJ
10/10/2006: I've got to get moving, or I'm going to get all caught up. Well, maybe not - I've got enough fics written to last me into November, at least. The best part? I'm down to 14 left to write!
Anyway, I'm posting because I have to post this fic on the lj, and it's not here yet: Smorgasbord (039). I hope you like it! JJ
P.S. I also changed Surprise (025) and reposted it; I didn't realize there wasn't a mention of Tifa in it. So I fixed that. JJ
10/06/2006: I am in trouble. As in, I think I have caught up to myself. I didn't think I would, honestly! But I have about 17 fics left to write, and I just hit one to post on lj, and I haven't posted it here!
So, I am now. It's called Rebirth (029); I hope you enjoy! JJ
0/01/2006: So, here's the thing.
As soon as I've got some kind of ending on Misunderstanding, I'll post it. But people are not cooperating!
Until then, here are a few more Advent Children fics for you: Togetherness (031), Triad (042), The Way Home (046), Spirit (052), Fear (074), and Resolve (095).
09/28/2006: I have SO been neglecting you! I'm so sorry! It's horrid!
I've taken a rather methodical approach to finishing the Advent Children fics; I've got a few almost ready to post, but I'm up to 75 - 3/4ths done! Wahoo!
I've still got a few to get through, though... sigh. But, yeah, making progress. It's kinda fun! JJ
09/05/2006: So, I'm plowing through these fics, now, one per day (at least), excepting Sundays and possibly whole weekends. I've got four now, and will be working on the fifth today - the prompts are not fun, but I've got to get through them if I'm going to finish this.
And I intend to finish it.
In other news, I had a great rant on my lj about the Just Once forums (that's the dream journal site I talked about a couple of entries ago); that can be found here. Enjoy! JJ
08/25/2006: Hiya! I'm being lazy today - my girls didn't get up until an hour after we usually do, so everything is just really slow today. As a treat, I managed to get all caught up. I don't know when the next updates like this will be, as I am... well... caught up. I don't even have anything in the works at the moment. Without further ado, then, here is the latest batch of fics for you.
These are all Advent Children, remember: Photograph (004), Laugher (010), Missing in Action (012), Driven to Drink (020), Child's Death III (027), Cooperation (036), Spy vs. Spy (040), Return (050), Not Alone (051), Determination (054), A Day Off (057), and Fear (074).
That takes my total done up to 60. Wish me luck on the rest! JJ
08/21/2006: Well... my livejournal has taken up all my updates. My deepest appologies.
Especially since I've run across something very new and very cool. Well, very new to me.
Ever heard of Dream Novels?
It's really cool - you click on the link and little boxes pop up - you put your name in and voile, you are IN the novel. I will admit I was not thrilled with the idea at first; I mean, really, how weird is that.
But these are good (some of them). Well written stories, nice endings (all romance), and fairly good characterizations - if a little... stereotypical for the main characters (not the girl). It helps if you know at least the Regulars at Seigaku. Oh. And have some familiarity with "Prince of Tennis" Anime or Manga. I haven't ventured far from Seishun, actually - not entirely sure who anyone else really is (I'm amazingly tunnel visioned in that respect) - but one of othe Regulars has a little brother, and I read his story, too. So, here's the link to the site: Just Once. My favorite novels are under Seigaku: Through the Lattice (Fuji Shusuke - yes, I know I spelled it differently, but getting my fingers to spell it at all was pretty good!); Angel of Music (Tezuka Kunimitsu); and Between the Lines (Tezuka Kunimitsu). The scary part about the last one is that it was just so me... even down to the reason why she read Fantasy. One major difference is that of the three CSI shows, I prefer Miami - Horatio Caine - to the others. It's... reversed in the story (in a conversation with Tezuka... never mind. Just read it).
Unfortunately, I've sort of lost my drive for Advent Children.... not good. I still have like forty-two fics to write....
I'm so sunk....
But I'll get some up in a bit - I do have some written that aren't up yet! JJ
08/04/2006: Hey all! I sat down and did my site yesterday instead of writing . Anyway, I have a huge list of things for you to read! I hope you like them!
These are all Advent Children, remember: Deeper Changes (005), Desire (009), Brothers (013), Eyes (015), Shroud (018), Surprise (025), The Nightmare (030), Reality (038), Confrontation (045), Tending Bar (049), Alone (056), A Set Table (058), Wine (060), Rainfall (065), Bright (073), Decision (082), Anger (084), Sleep Watching (085), Free (094), and Love (096).
That makes 49. If I could just finish Parents, then I'll be at 50.... Enjoy! JJ.
07/23/2006: Remember when I said I'd gotten caught up in another fandom, but the story had worn itself out?
Yeah. It didn't. It keeps growing. So I'm like two fandoms removed from Star Wars. This is generally not good. Typical, but still not good.
Still, I did manage to finish my romance (can you imagine? Me, a romance?), and got a couple of other fics down for Advent Children. I'm almost to 40, how's that for freaky? I keep hoping I'll get inspired to write like five or six - but no. I've got three that I'm going over, I think I finally finished - got to a finishing point - for Surprise (prompt 25, the SG-1 crossover), and a few others that are sitting and... being invisible.
Sitting on the shelf and aging is a better way of putting it.
Still - I'm not getting any really good ideas; the romance I just finished is incredibly AU (as in, only tenuously connected to Advent Children), and most everything else I'm writing is short. I've got one that's almost a drabble - good grief, I'm into serious rambling lately! I did a bad ramble on my livejournal account (but it's private, because it was just... not good to share) today, too. Anyway, I've got one that might be a drabble if I work at it (getting rid of 11 words is huge when there are only 111 to begin with).
So, there it is, my very long entry for today. JJ
07/15/2006: Good news, good news! (yeah, it's suposed to sound like Roscoe, on the Dukes of Hazzard.)
I was accepted with my claim at fanfic100! I've already posted my first fic (Square is the prompt) that I wrote, and will be updating possibly daily. I was thinking - if I did daily, I'd have one fic a day for the next month plus, and that's just for the fics I have done currently. I did finish another one - it's number 34 - but it needs some serious help, because it's an unfamiliar format. Anyway, yeah, and I lost part of what I'd written. It's so strange, I have no idea where it went, because I know I wrote it, but it didn't get recorded, or something. Very, very strange.
I also got caught up in another fandom, but that story has about worn itself out (thank goodness, because I need to focus on Advent Children, or I'm going to be in trouble!). I think I have some to post today, too. These are: Tired (001), Child's Death I (003), Missing Time (006), Memoiram (014), Unusual Friends (021), Toss (026), Wishes (032), Child's Death II (037), A Brief Period of Consciousness (041), Loss (047), Shinra (048), Earth (053), and Distraction (089).
Enjoy. JJ
07/08/2006: I've been busy working on my site instead of showering, and its very close to noon. Sad, but it's a Saturday, and so it goes. We're all being lazy today (well, my dh isn't feeling well).
I revamped the challenge tables; there are four now (or will be, when I get them up). I thought it needed to be cleaned up, anyway. So, take a look, tell me what you think; the links that are pending are for the tables in my live journal, so unless you just want to get in there, you won't really need to go. Here's the link anyway: andersenmom. It's the journal I'm too behind on to write by hand, so I'm keeping it online until I get caught up (about six months worth of writing like mad...). JJ
06/24/2006: Well. I'm nearly at 30 of these fics now, and all is good. Well, some are horrid, but there it is - I'm sure it's normal.
I'm thinking pretty seriously about redoing the Challenge table again - breaking it down into four different tables, actually, one for each of the four areas. I'm not sure yet. But I need to get throug this, so I can get working on the second one - Power Rangers: in Space: Sylvie Larson. Heh. From that, I'll get the sequel to Superhero done, I hope.
I have a few more fics to put up, aren't you all lucky? Here they are: False Memories (2), Dress (11), Explanations (19), Worthless (22), Late Night Conversation (23), What Family Is (24), Staying Home (28), Spring Cleaning (62), Storm (70), and Family Visit (81). Enjoy!
A few others have place-holder pages, but I'll let you find them yourselves - I promise that eventually they'll be filled, too.
06/20/2006: Okay. I was seriously optimistic about getting Haunted posted by the middle of this month. It's got to be completely revamped (yet again), and a couple of incidents fixed. So... Maybe August?
On a lighter note, I am actually doing really well on the Challenge, although I haven't posted any yet. I have 23 of the 100 done, am working on two others (one's mostly done, I just can't decide how to end it), and have a third in my head. It's just a case of finishing the two and starting the third - it should be fairly short. Here's a question: if Cloud has died, should he come back or stay dead? And of course, Sephiroth is involved....
I've been reading other people's fics; a couple have done AU, and I've thought about maybe doing something like that. But so far, nothing's come to mind.
I'd like to write a crossover with Stargate, but again - no real ideas (well, a sort-of idea, but it'd stop in the middle of it. Maybe I'll post it anyway).
Wow. Rambling. I'd better go before I bore you all (heh. All) to tears. JJ
06/14/2006: I finished a book last night by Natalie Goldberg - she's got some good books on writing - and she said something that made me stop a minute. Here's what she said:
"Sometimes by ourselves we can get lost, especially when it's all coming from us. It's important to have a friend who is intesely interested in your project, who knows your characters and the story you are trying to tell. That friend listens to your woes and complaints, bolsters up your flagging ego. I have usually foudn that friend to be another writer - he or she can relate. But the other person does not always have to be a fellow writer.... This friend is someone who takes pleasure in what you are doing."
So, thanks to all of you (Hannah, Jeanka) who have written me, asked about the characters - or even just the writing - and are anxious to know about what is happening next. You're the reason I'm still doing this. JJ
06/06/2006: Hi! I think I've finally decided to actually sign up for the fanfic100 - go into Live Journal, join the community, everything. It's going to be tough - and I might change my mind, but so it goes. :) It's just that I really think, if I try hard enough, I can do this right.
And it's done. I signed up for the pairing of Tifa Lockhart and Cloud Strife, from Advent Children. Whew! I think I've lost my mind.JJ
5/29/2006: Sorry it's been so long; I've been busy. Want to know what with? I'll tell you anyway.
1. Haunted, obviously. As of earlier today, I actually finished. Yes, finished with the rewrite. I have one more chapter to adjust a little, and then I'll send it off to Jovieve for beta reading. I hope to start posting by mid-June.
2. Challenge table. I had a few brain storms, and things are progressing (even if I haven't quite managed to even finish half!). Part of it is that I have a couple of really long fics - neither of which are going anywhere, and both of which are actually Stargate crossovers. That might be a hint to me, eh?
2a. Here are the new ones: Butterflies, Kirin, History, Foreign Skies, Information, Assassination Attempt, Cleaning Up, Friends, Discipline, Mermaid, Thoughts, Alternate Seasons, Snowfall, Rain, Guilt, Home, and Aftermath. Although they don't necessarily go in that order. But have fun!
3. Hit a bit of a block, and so went back over the fics I'd written for the Challenge. I revised a couple of them (well, okay, all of them, although some of them weren't revised a lot), and got others ready for posting. So check the table out; some of the fics have serious changes - and one or two I realized were just wrong and will have to be rewritten. Or something.
So, that's what I've been doing; since February 11th I've written just over 59,000 words. Not bad. Talk to you later! JJ
05/17/2006: I didn't think I'd gone so long without an update! Just wanted to let you know where I stand. Haunted is coming along fine; I just finished chapter 25 of 30 (hopefully it won't grow again!), and there are only ten scenes to do - if all goes well, I'll have this finished by 05/31 - although it may go on into June, as I hadn't planned for (possibly) not writing on Memorial Day. I tried to work that out.
A few more pages to add - I'm not going to link them all here, because I'm not sure which ones I've already told you about! Sorry to be so lazy, but I haven't found a good way to put it yet. Anyway, enjoy, and I'll talk to you later! JJ
05/12/2006: I have found another obssession. This is not necessarily a good thing, and chances are extremely good that it will not appear in a fic anywhere (I just dont' have enough information), but who knows.
Yesterday, I saw "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children". My first impression? bizarre. It didn't really change after that, but I like bizarre... Anyway, it's a little hard to follow if you haven't played the game (which I haven't), but there's a reminiscences thing on the disc, so I watched that after I'd watched the movie, then watched the movie again, and then... checked it out online. I finally found a good outline of the game (It is based on the game FF VII), and then things started to REALLY make sense. I'd watch it again if I didn't have a MASSIVE scene to fix (a confrontation scene, to be precise) for Haunted. Eventually, I have to send it back to Netflix.... JJ
05/10/2006: I've really been doing well on these challenges, to my surprise. Here are a few: Normality (Ends), Practice (Green), Warning (Heart), and Dark Letter (Dark). I'm working on the prompt for Club now, and should have it done by the end of the week - and possibly up by then.
Haunted is coming along; I just had to divide another chapter, so there are going to be thirty. A strange sort of thing, but it's just getting longer. I'll probably have 50,000 words by the end of this! It's a bit rough, the chapter break, but I think it's necessary.
But the schedule hasn't changed; I've just had to change the chapter numbers. This is the third (fourth?) chapter I've done this with, and we're getting close to the really tough chapters. I'm a little scared of how those are going to turn out. Good, I hope. JJ
05/06/2006: I've been thinking (okay, everyone, sing along! "A dangerous past time!" I know!), and I might try to do that challenge table again, only this time with a specific fandom. It would really work out better, I think, just because half the time I'm trying to decide what to write about!
Well, who knows. It's just a thought. Not a great one, granted, but a thought. JJ
05/04/2006: Well, my friends, it's actually going pretty well. I started on chapter 21 of Haunted today, and I have high hopes of actually finishing the whole fic by the end of this month. It's going quite quickly.
I also started a crossover between Stargate SG-1 and Power Rangers; it's a collaboration between myself and a friend I met on (she really liked my Superhero story). She's helping me write it. And she's been a great help. Anyway, this first fic is the "Strangers" prompt on my table; I'll try to name it before I post it. It'll probably also have a normal entry on the fics page, since it's just the beginning and I don't know if the others will fit in as well.
Other additions to the table include Warning, for the prompt of heart, and Dark Letter, for the prompt Dark. Both are set in the Secrets2 universe (although I think the fics themselves aren't up yet, but I believe the pages are). JJ04/19/2006: Another update: I am done with chapter 17. Only a few - well, over 10 - left to do. I'm still on schedule; I believe I'll be done by the end of May. Why so long? Well, because I'm going scene by scene, rather than chapter by chapter. Unfortunately, that means that the next chapter is going to take five days. Which means I'll finish it just before I leave town for three writing days (I don't write much on weekends). But vacation is included in my schedule, so I won't be losing any ground. I might, however, take some of the scenes with me, so I can brainstorm about them while we're traveling. I don't know if I'll get anything done, but I'll try.
I've also been brainstorming a few other things; I don't know how it'll work, just yet, but unfortunately, I don't have anything for you to read. I also updated the fanfiction main page, so it reflects that Haunted will start in June. Not much else, I'm sorry to say, but I have two other fics in the wings. They're still really up in the air. JJ
04/04/2006: Most of the time, I don't move this often. But I had this lovely scene in my head, so it's up and ready to be read. It's the prompt for Middles. Maggie and Wolves in Eden has been on my mind lately, so I thought I'd share.
An update, too: I've written through chapter 9 of Haunted, and plodding along through the rest of it. I'm going scene by scene, so it won't be done until the end of May, and then I give it one more good once over, and it should be posted by July, probably after our fourth trip. But we'll see. JJ
03/28/2006: I have not had a good day today; it doesn't look like it's going to get any better. However, good news: I sat down today and organized Haunted a little better. I hope to get going on Chapter 8 tomorrow - I'm sort of stuck at one scene, and just need to sit down and do it. However, what I did to day was desperately needed.
I had someone look over "Commando Team" (title of the fic for the prompt "Red"), and I should get back to it soon. I just need to add a final scene to that, and it should work out much better. I hope. Meanwhile, I did post the page (with a very juicy pic of Hunter). I just wanted to let you know where I'm at and what I'm doing. JJ
03/20/2006: Greetings, and good news! I've decided to start on Haunted again; I started Friday, I think, and today I'll be working on chapter six. I hope to have it done fairly soon - within the next month or so, depending on how fast it goes once I get past the stuff I've already done. Most of the major changes I needed to do I wrote in my notebook, longhand, so much of the stuff I lost I've still got (thank heaven!). It probably won't be exactly the same, but then, no one will know because no one saw it. I'll try to keep you updated on how it's going. JJ
01/29/2006: I have bad news. I hope (everyone cross your fingers and pray) that it is about to get better. About three weeks ago, my hard drive quit working. Since the computer was under warranty, I sent it back to be looked at. I am supposed to get it back tomorrow. I really (REALLY!) hope that my computer is returned with the hard drive it left with; if not, I have some serious work to do on Haunted. I had it revised through chapter 13, and was just about to start 14 when it died on me.
In other news, I found a GREAT book that has been helping me through this rewrite process, and I have hopes that when I'm done, I'll be able to actually write Haunted fairly quickly - get it mostly done in March or so - even if I did lose everything. We'll see what happens. And believe me, weekly backups ARE going to happen after this. I nearly lost my Nano novel from this year. It was pure luck that I didn't.
Wish me luck! JJ
01/07/2006: Happy New Year! I know, it's been 2006 for a week now, but I'm slow.
A few things have happened. I'm still plugging away on Haunted, hoping to make some headway, but it's going slowly. Far too slowly for my taste, but at least it is going. I'm getting caught up on my Journal, which is really good, considering I was six months behind in December, and only three weeks behind as of last night. Wahoo!
We also found out we have mice. *Shudder* I KNEW I would never scream if I saw one, and the first one I didn't. It was in the basement, in our food storage (we have a bit of it), and I just gasped. But then, I had just taken Elyssa upstairs to bed, came down, and saw one running in the living room. I couldn't help it. I shrieked. More out of surprise (I hope) than anything, but I was quite embarrassed. Not to mention unnerved the rest of the evening. But now three are dead - I really hope there aren't any more. *shudder*
What else... I guess that's it for today. Hope your Christmas and New Year were great! JJ
12/22/2005: I got the greatest compliment on "I Wonder What it's Like to be a Superhero" on It's from a person who's fics I love - they're very fun to read - who is already on my links page (I'm no longer convinced it's a girl). It's Starhawk. I kid you not, I was blown away with the things she had to say. I was absolutely speachless.
I'm still working on Haunted, but I'm stuck on another chapter (at least I got done with chapter 8!). I'll be out of town the week after Christmas, and I hope to get some serious work done on this (and the rest of my projects). Hope you all have a GREAT holiday season, and Merry Christmas! JJ
12/14/2005: So, life is going. And going. Much like the Energizer Bunny. I'm working as hard as I can on Haunted, but I think I might have been optimistic about when I'll be finished. I'll aim now for February, and hope that gives me the time I need.
I also pulled out my Robert Jordan books. Those were so fun! When they first came out (the first few - seven, I believe), my friends and I made a cast list, and cast the main characters. We chose people we'd like to see in each character if they were to make it into a miniseries or something. I started reading them again, and with a list of actors that I'd like to see in the series, but not assigned to any specific part, I'm going to try to fill in the missing pieces. Should be fun.
With that, Haunted, and three different crochet projects going, I'm going to be busy this next few weeks! Enjoy your holidays, whatever they are for you! Merry Christmas! JJ
11/19/2005: I'm so excited to get started on Haunted! I'm really going to crack down on it as soon as I reach 50,000 words (or the first of December, whichever comes first!). I didn't mention that I got Problem Child archived on a really cool site. It's called A Journey Through a Galaxy Far, Far Away. I'll be putting Long Road Home up there, as I get closer to posting Haunted, and then I'll archive that, too.
10/06/2005: So, according to my Beta Reader, she thinks the trilogy should be called "Visions of the Past, Memories of the Future" - which leaves me without a title to the third story. Urg.... How frustrating is that? I've never been really sold on "The Fourth Master" since it refers to Qui-Gon, rather than Obi-Wan... Sigh. I don't KNOW! Still - now I have to fix everything on the site. But it's all good.
I also fixed the updates page, so it's got some sort of chronological order: oldest updates at the bottom.
I also just finished Matthew Stover's novelization of "Revenge of the Sith" and it is a definitely recommended read - just for his writing. Oh, if I could ever be so good at it! I love it! I've got all his books I haven't read on hold at the library (The first one I read was "Mace Windu: Shatterpoint" - also an excellent read) and I can't wait - even if one is a New Jedi Order book. Ah, well... JJ
09/30/2005: I get so irritated, reading stories on and People get an idea, start writing, start posting, and then the idea runs out, or something else, and they STOP. It's really irritating! Why don't they finish before posting? So I was thinking today - I wonder if I would have been like that, if I'd had access to either of those sites when I started. I don't know. Just random thoughts! JJ
Adendum: I've had second thoughts about the name of the trilogy. But nothing else I think of sounds as good. I'll keep working on it, though! JJ
09/29/2005: It's late, and I should know better than write on my site when I'm feeling like this (well, technically, it's early, about 01:00 MDT). Still.... I don't know. I can't sleep. I'm feeling suddenly burned out, a little. I've reached an interesting point in my drafting, in that I can work on Visions and Memories on paper, but not so much on the computer. So far, I've rewritten chapter one on the computer and part of chapter two, but for some reason I just can't sit down and fix it. Ugh. It's frustrating.
I decided to post Problem Child on - so I did that yesterday. I'm not entirely sure how it'll work out - I can't see it anywhere on the site, but I have a review already. I'm not entirely sure how that works.... Still, it's up (had to search for it) and available to read again (although why read it there when you can read it here). When that's done, I'll post Long Road Home, and hopefully by then, I'll have Visions and Memories finished.
Anyway, the reason I shouldn't be writing right now. I have been reading other fanfiction, and... oh, they're so GOOD! The ideas, the way they write... so wonderfully yummy, all that I am not. Urg. Frustrating. And I'm tired, and depressed (lack of sleep is NOT good, I don't care what anyone says), and therefore should be ignored. JJ
09/24/2005: Good news! I'm done with the second draft, and am working hard on the third. This one should be the last major draft before I post it. At the rate I'm going, it may not be until December (going to be hard to get anything done during November (official NaNo month)). Still, I'm aiming for a post date at the beginning of next year. We'll see how it goes! JJ
Ademdum: I forgot! I named the trilogy! It's (currently) The Fourth Master Trilogy. Any thoughts? JJ
09/02/2005: It's darn close to midnight, so if this doesn't make sense, that's why. I checked some of the "Jedi Quest" books out of the library, the ones about Anakin's training as a Jedi. I don't like these (there's a reason I quit buying them), and as I was sitting here, unable to sleep and playing Minesweeper (death to that game!), I realized why.
Jude Watson - the woman who wrote the books - feels that Anakin's turning was Obi-Wan's fault. At least, that was my impression. Granted, I have only read five of the books (the rest sit on my nightstand), and it is late at night, but that was what my impression was. Even though, for the most part, Episode III tossed that theory out (at least in my eyes). I wonder what her impression was of that movie. Anyway, that's my two cents worth - I'm on this Star Wars kick right now, which is good. I have about 2 chapters left to rewrite, and then I'm going to take another shot at the epilog (I just don't like this second draft much either) - and then start all over. This time, though, it's going to be the final draft, and then I'll post it. I think I'll be ready in December, but shouldn't be later than January of next year. Sigh. I hope. JJ
And now, having read more - perhaps I don't think that so much (on the Jedi Quest thing). I'm not sure any more. JJ
08/27/2005: Haunted is moving along; it's down from 29 chapters to 26 (I think). Since one of the chapters has actually just moved, I'm not sure how many I have, but I think I've lost three (not bad!).
Part of the reason I'm updating my page is that I'm trying to find a title for the trilogy I'm writing, consisting of "Problem Child," "Long Road Home," and "Haunted." Any suggestions will be definitely considered. One person suggested "Misunderstood visions" and I keep thinking I'll just call it the "Problem Child" trilogy, but I don't really like either of those. Thanks for any help! JJ
06/22/2005: Random thoughts - I read through some fanfiction I downloaded. I must have liked the stories, since I kept them. I'm not sure why. Still.... It was interesting to see what I liked them. Simple, innocent, I feel so uncreative right now that all I can do is read. I hope this house sells soon. I think the stress will decrease soon, however. We have the final walk-through on the new house on Monday, and I think that may mean we will be able to start moving in pretty quick. I hope. Because once we move in, I don't have to worry about keeping this house clean! We won't be living in it, so it'll be clean! Wahoo! Anyway, it's like 1:00 am, and I am not exactly coherent. Later days! JJ
06/17/2005: If this is the first actual online update since last month, I'm sorry. Life has been hectic. I'm never sure if I manage to get my updates on the web - and my connection lately has been iffy.
I haven't been doing any writing recently because I'm so stressed - the house has to look like a model home for showings, and we have at least one a day every day except Sunday (by our request). I'm not a clean housewife, and it's about killing me to keep the house so clean.
Today's quote in the calendar my friend sent me says this: "Decide what you want to be - pay the price and be what you want to be." - John A. Widstoe.
I think about that every time I look at the card it's written on. It's not so easy, you know? Especially since I'm not sure what the price is - or if it's worth paying. That's something he's left out. And then there's the thought - what if what I want to be isn't really that good? Or the wrong thing? I guess that's the first thing to decide, like he says - Decide what I want to be. Anyway, I thought I'd share.
03/11/2005: Well, while I was gone, I reread "Convulsive Logic" - it has been four months since I've even looked at it. I actually came to the conclusion that it isn't so bad. It needs a little work, of course, but it could be something fun. I was rather surprised, to be honest.
I ran across one of my more... ridiculous ideas today. About 11 years ago, I got hooked on a Mexican "Novela" (and was really glad to find out that they END!), because the main character looked so much like a musician I was fond of at the time. At any rate, I had to find out how the thing started - I joined in the middle - and found a site that went through each episode (it's no longer up, possibly because said actor died two years ago - I did not know that!). So, I had some idea of what happened. I decided to create my own cast, and just ran across said cast list. It was hysterical! If I were to do it again (I never did write the thing - there's a book out already, although it's likely in Spanish and it's out of print), I'd definitely do the cast over! One of my more ridiculous things...
Another thing I was thinking about - I've been meaning to say something for a while. I ran across a site called "Gundam Wing is a Victim of Fan Rape" or some such thing. This person did an indepth study of why all the fanfic authors are wrong. And maybe I misread what this person was trying to do. The sensationalism of the title aside, I really wanted to write to her and say "so what?" I mean, really. She said she stopped updating, or I might have directed these comments to her. As I can't (and wouldn't anyway), I'm directing them to you.
What I basically wanted to say was this: And what makes Gundam Wing so special? Take any tv show, any movie, any book - any rock group, for that matter! and people will do things with them that was never meant to be done. It is just so frustrating to me that for some reason this person (I say she, but I don't know; bear with me) feels that this Anime ought to be... above all that, that the fans for this show ought to be better than the rest. Or something! I don't know. I realize this isn't as coherent as I had hoped it would be - Sorry. But those are my thoughts on it. JJ
02/09/2005: Today's quote is this: "When God puts an impossible dream in your heart, he means to help you fulfill it." - Leyson Kayira
Which is a nice sentiment, and is something I ought to start working on. Especially if that dream is a novel. Which has been sitting on the computer for days, now, with no changes. I just can't seem to make myself do anything productive - including the laundry, which is a little more urgent than the writing! Ugh. It's hard to do anything right now. I'm just too big.
02/01/2005: A friend of mine made me a quote callendar some years ago (I was in college, then, or just out), and I recently pulled it out. Today's quote is from Jimmy Carter, and he said: "Because we are free, we can never be indifferent to the fate of freedom elsewhere."
Of course, my thoughts went to the people of Iraq - probably because they are on the news more than anyone else in the world (of those who are repressed). This explains President Bush's push to free the people of Iraq, and Afghanistan (if that's why we're there - I'm notoriously ignorant of stuff like that. I wouldn't even know we were there except my husband's brother-in-law was just posted there). Anyway, those are my random thougts for the day. In other news, life is going along fine, for the most part. JJ
01/14/2005: So, things are going slowly these days. I feel like I'm just way behind on everything, although I did finally finish the afghan I started at the beginning of November for my neighbor, who is going through breast cancer treatments right now. There is a good deal of pink in the thing, but it also matches her living room decor, which is what I was aiming for, any way....
Other than that, I'm behind. I haven't even written about Maggie's first birthday, and that was in August. I've got 21 more chapters of Haunted to write, and then there's the rewrite of Wolves in Eden.... I also need to move my library downstairs so that Maggie has her own room, and then there's the baby that's due at the beginning of March... I think I'm losing my mind. Well,okay, so there's no doubt to that. Oh, yeah, at the book group I started, meeting on Tuesday, and I've read the first chapter of the book.
Sigh. I will never get all of this done....
12/11/2004: Time to take down "Convulsive Logic." If someone is interested in reading it, please let me know and I'll email you the mess. :) So far I'm not really interested in doing a massive rewrite on it (okay, edit, but still), but at least it's been written, and there's not much else I can say about it.
I've had the chance, thanks to a fic by Vathara, to finally get some insight into Gundam Wing; I've been interested for a long time. Anyway, it's called "Upon a Fiery Steed", and is a crossover between Gundam Wing (AC - the after colony years, I guess) and Stargate SG-1. I've read it quite a few times, and now there are some questions, but it is a fantastic crossover, well written and very well developed (the kind where you go "man, I wish I had this kind of imagination!"). The link is to the site - I haven't actually been there, I read it on - so finding the story may be difficult on the site. I don't know. But, as I really enjoyed the story, and if you like Stargate, this is a good one to read. Later all!
Upon further examination, I don't see Fiery Steed up on the site; here it is on "Upon a Fiery Steed." JJ.
05/15/2004: I was just looking at one of the websites I have on the dropdown menu on my browser. It is (a Buffy Stargate SG-1 crossover site), and the first thing I thought of was - if I wanted to host stories (if I had time, and people actually knew who I was), I would do a site of crossovers. And only crossovers, and it wouldn't even matter what was crossed. The idea of colliding realities is really fun.
So, yeah, those were my thoughts this bright and early morning. For some reason I thought I'd share.... JJ
05/13/2004: Yes, it's amazingly early. But there is a reason for that! I got an email from someone whose email list I am a part of (it's JLBFF), and she had a link in it to a very good article. It is about what the author calls the invisible reader. This was so interesting to me, because I have been one, and am still one, and I wonder if I have only those left (aside from one wonderful person who emails me every time I put something up. Thanks!). Anyway, the link is here. She raises many valid points - and is a good thing for authors to read, too. Anyway, that's my two cents for the day! JJ
05/04/2004: Sorry I'm so behind on updates! I haven't got anything real to report, only that Maggie's website has been updated. There are some cute pictures of her up - check out the album page.
I have been working on fixing up Haunted, although it's not been easy. I know I've mentioned this before - at least I believe I have - but I've got some ideas to work on. I want to finish Haunted, I've got a rewrite of Secrets going in my head as well as a sequel to "I Wonder What it's Like..." and there's a Stargate SG-1/Power Rangers in Space crossover running around in my head (that's one is most likely to be written at this point). Unfortunately, I also have two months worth of journal to catch up on, a crocheting project - and one 8 1/2 month old baby who likes her mother just a little TOO much.... Well, okay, that's normal, but all of a sudden she's clingy! I guess that's normal too. Sigh. But yes, I love it. JJ
02/13/2004: Well, you guys, I've been thinking (a dangerous past time - I know). Yes, Beauty and the Beast. Sigh. I'm a dork. But I have been thinking. This is thanks to Linkin Park and Evanescence (yay for them winning best new group!). I have heard Linkin Park's "Numb" and Evanescence's "My Immortal", and strange thoughts crossed my mind.
I'm sure it's due to this fic I'm trying to finish (yes, it's comming along, and has reached over 43,000 words, thank you very much), so Star Wars has been on my mind (when it hasn't been Stargate... read a great crossover that just floored me - no, not Star Wars, Buffy. Ask and I'll send you the link. It's one of my favorite fics). Anyway, listen to the words of "Numb." Doesn't it sound like Anakin? Sure it's not a total match, but that's okay. Mostly to the Jedi Order and Obi-Wan. Then listen to "My Immortal" and think Obi-Wan, in reference to Anakin.
Okay, yeah, I have too much time in my head. But there it is.
On the same site where I found the crossover fic, I found a possibility for one, and I might try to write that, although finding a story in the short scene Mandi has on her site might be more that I can do (since I can't find stories for more than half of the scenes I come up with in my own mind!). Part of the problem has to do with not knowing Stargate SG-1 as well as I know Power Rangers... So, there you are, my own little journal entry for today. Frightening, isn't it. JJ
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